Example sentences of "[modal v] have [vb pp] a very " in BNC.

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1 When you 're going round the Fens , you must 've had a very early start in the morning , did you ?
2 If there was a " consumer revolution " in eighteenth-century England , it must have owed a very great deal to an improvement in road transport which , according to one writer , allowed " our very carriages to travel with almost winged expedition " .
3 Senior Tories believe the MP for Carshalton and Wallington must have had a very pressing reason to leave after staging such an unexpected comeback .
4 Miss Taylor , you must have had a very eventful life — if you could choose to live a part of that life again , which decade would you choose ?
5 Perhaps it was never roofed : if so , it must have had a very high corbelled vault , either in stone or in mudbrick .
6 From its size , the knife must have had a very specific use and may even have been a surgical instrument .
7 I suppose I was too young and naïve to realise that you must have had a very active sex life before you met me .
8 Open-field farming , with few or no hedges must have produced a very bare landscape , totally lacking in visual interest which the great modern prairie farms of East Anglia have actually re-created in the last few decades .
9 And then I , and I made this bit of a faux pas , I says , oh you must have got a very good rate , cos I knew she 'd been retired years and years , you see .
10 ‘ If Charlie Trumper is half as good as you claim then I 'll have made a very sound investment . ’
11 By the age of 18 or 20 , he had completed his apprenticeship in life : he might have become a very good photographer , probably an excellent painter , a good mountaineer and hiker , or a fine skier .
12 She also began to realise that she might have made a very big mistake .
13 Almost as a bonus they might have gained a very cheap solution to an expensive problem .
14 It is tempting to speculate that were it not for the onset of the protracted illness in February 1858 Which led to his death in September 1859 , his influence might have produced a very different outcome to the competition .
15 If only Kinnock had been able to show us this side of himself when he was still Leader of the Labour Party , the election might have had a very different result .
16 Election experts could legitimately point to the fact that a system of proportional voting could have given a very different result .
17 Fair enough he may have had a very good reason for doing so but I thought that that would have been a typical apack erm he did say well you know I just want to run it by him , you know , just to make sure but you , you still needed to know why he thought that his accountant had to be involved .
18 On the contrary , it would 've seemed a very , very up to date , state of the art , kind of book .
19 The pressure on the welders would have involved a very high rejection rate — a problem overcome by robot welding .
20 From this it is evident that if Negus Mikael had advanced immediately after seizing Ankober , when the army of Fitaurari Habta Giorgis was still far from complete he would have stood a very good chance of entering Addis Ababa , in which case the whole course of events would have been altered .
21 By the time Siward 's army had reached the plains by the Forth , it would have marched a very long way , and suffered fighting , and would be drawn , in any case , only from those regions Siward was master of , for neither Wessex nor Mercia , it was sure , would waste men on extending Northumbria 's empire .
22 would have presented a very good budget for
23 But , while the main survey showed that men in general tended to be better informed about credit than women , that difference was too small to suggest that Asian women would have given a very different impression if they had been included in the groups .
24 For example , this selection of flowers could have been framed in a pale green mount , or the entire design could have been created on a very pale blue-grey background with no mount at all , both of which would have given a very different emphasis to the pink roses .
25 The Latin origins of the Roman Catholic Church would have dictated a very different shape of moustache and this is perhaps why priests are not permitted to sport this form of decoration .
26 He believed if only his parents had given him more confidence and the right backing , he would have made a very good male model .
27 One look inside her at the devastation of her soul would have told a very different story .
28 Uderzo says they preferred not to film in America : ‘ They would have had a very different idea of how to approach the jokes .
29 Even if he had used the same words , his non verbal communication in the two situations would have conveyed a very different attitude .
30 At the end of some years of this ding-dong invention and counter-invention , the current version of both the missile and its antidote will have attained a very high degree of sophistication .
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