Example sentences of "[modal v] have [vb pp] at [det] " in BNC.

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1 In Wallshire Ltd v Aarons [ 1989 ] 1 EGLR 147 , it was argued that a surveyor conducting a rent review as an expert should have looked at more evidence of comparable lettings .
2 As he explained : ‘ It was not a play that should have toured at all .
3 There was 110 possible reason why he should have wished at that stage to foreclose his options between December and January , or January and the spring .
4 There had been rather a mystery as to why he should have died at that particular time .
5 Nor can it explain why indeed the change should have happened at all : why did the speakers not simply retain /a:/ ?
6 Mechanics everywhere must have cringed at that scene .
7 She supposed she must have risen at some point to light a candle on the mantlepiece .
8 Rather , they recognise that such ‘ nonstandard dialects are highly structured systems ’ and that ‘ the adult or child who uses these rules must have formed at some level of psychological organisation clear concepts of ‘ tense marker ’ , ‘ verb phrase ’ , ‘ rule ordering ’ , ‘ sentence embedding ’ , ‘ pronoun ’ and many other grammatical categories which are essential parts of any logical system ’ ( ibid. p. 45 ) .
9 He must have looked at both of them a dozen times in the first two minutes .
10 Had Theodora not been her father 's daughter , and therefore beautifully bred , she might have snorted at such palpable idiocy
11 ... But no , for he had said her heart was badly damaged , death might have come at any time .
12 I can stand in front of the screen , I can look at the simulations , I can stop them whenever I want to stop them and look at them , it gives me ideas about how the buildings might have looked at that time and it gives me a whole range of variations as to as to what can be done in terms of their reconstructions .
13 Earlier this season , Haslemere might have collapsed at this stage , but they came back to equalise with the best goal of the game .
14 There are only minor things erm , Chris suggested changes to the procedures , just tidying them up as we might have expected at this stage really erm .
15 By the end of the struggle France had lost almost every single colonial possession she had , so that French imperial history had to begin all over again in the nineteenth century , but nobody in 1690 could have guessed at such a result .
16 However , everyone else advised him to do it and it was probably the most catalystic thing he could have done at that period , although I had the feeling even if he did get a hit , it was something he could n't follow up because I knew the style of his writing .
17 ‘ It appears it could have happened at any time , even running for a bus , ’ said headmaster Harrison Huddart , at Hewart Grange School , Gateshead , Tyne and Wear .
18 The horse 's trainer Robin Dickin said : ‘ It could have happened at any time , on the racecourse or at home .
19 ‘ The doctor said it could have happened at any time .
20 The frosted glass panel with my name on it had been cracked , but that could have happened at any time .
21 I have explained everything to her , told her it could have happened at any time .
22 My first reaction to the resignations was that they were tantamount to an admission of guilt when , in fact , the Argentinians could have attacked at any time in the previous fifteen years .
23 They could have left at any time .
24 The Parish Council have asked me to express their grave concern that such an incident could have occurred at all .
25 At any other time I 'd have laughed at this innocent self-betrayal ; just now it did n't seem funny , only irritating .
26 They gained weight , and may have stayed at that weight for some time .
27 Sometimes the similarity is hinted at in the question itself ; for example , you may have looked at another passage involving characterisation and this will guide you in looking at this one .
28 Rosalba would have twitched at such words , but Cati was so used to them , she only wavered because she was wondering how to give him her message , and she thought he was going to turn .
29 That sounds to me like the sort of liberal view which many of John 's contemporaries would have expressed at that age , under the influence of reformers like A. S. Neill — a comparison that occurred to me before I discovered that he had been meant to attend Neill 's school .
30 The second is to test understanding by inviting someone else to summarize and check that their summary accords with the one you yourself would have given at that stage in the proceedings .
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