Example sentences of "[modal v] have [verb] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In other words the protest would need to involve activity which , it could be fairly held , the protesters should have known was against the law .
2 But his hand was up , silencing me and what he must have guessed were to be my thanks .
3 The pygmies of Central Africa can not find enough food in the Zaire forests and , indeed , there seems to be no unambiguous ethnographic account of any people living solely off forest products and the only tropical areas where it is believed that such people might have lived are in central Malesia .
4 Other cities where papal government might have settled were on important trade routes which might have added to the pope 's powers and security : but Rome remained the favoured city of the popes and , in spite of all the difficulties of controlling the city , the senate and the people , the popes were prepared to suffer all sorts of indignities in order to stay in Rome .
5 Erm and one of the things I could 've done was to em er become a salaried employee of my own company which was a limited company but I paid myself as a consultant .
6 Driving your car when you could have walked is like cheating at cards — you do it because you can get away with it .
7 ‘ She 'd have hated being in one of those old people 's flats , and they 're miles from the centre .
8 He 'd have enjoyed being on this trip with us today , you know . ’
9 Anything else the guard may have remembered is of no value for he was killed in the crash .
10 The last thing I would have wanted was for you to become emotionally involved with me . ’
11 If I 'd not blocked or she 'd not blocked out that time in that way , what would have happened is on the thirteenth , er , of the month , erm , Red would have called me from the Health and Safety Executive would have called me and said , Ricky we 've got er , a remedial leadership weekend on the top of Snowden , and er , on that , on the last weekend of the month , and we 've got a one hour slot for you , that 's just a golden opportunity .
12 Nevertheless the rough tone , irregular rhythms and ‘ dirty ’ intonation that most blues singers would have used are for the most part conspicuously absent in Elvis 's performance ; his tone is full , rich and well produced , his intonation is precise , stable and ‘ correct ’ , the notes are sustained and held right through , and the phrasing is legato .
13 Because I think one of the extraordinary changes that have taken place in history at professional level is the much greater interest in things that older historian would have thought was outside their province .
14 The only running cost you will have to pay is for petrol .
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