Example sentences of "[modal v] as [adv] [vb infin] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 Long time officials , lay officials , staff at the organization , you might as well face up to the fact colleagues , a lot of you will have to go .
2 Might as well bring out several colours of that cordeeroy , ’ he said .
3 Might as well stock up .
4 And er so er er I said to my friend , like me pals I said , Well look we we have n't been in the Army a year , so we 've got to be in two more years before it comes our turn our turn to be demobilized , so we just might as well sign up for a couple year , get two months leave and twenty quid , because we shall do that if we do n't .
5 It 's no crime and they 'd have known anyway , but you might as well hold on to your dignity if you can .
6 I might as well go through on this , I was gon na go in that one .
7 Still , if it 's going to help Mrs Markham to get better , I might as well go on .
8 ‘ Once you start thinking like that , ’ said Lili , ‘ you might as well go round dressed up like Whistler 's mother . ’
9 So I thought if I er But I was beginning to get a bit worried so I thought well I might as well go up because I shall start to worry and things get out of proportion with me you see ?
10 Oh well you might as well go up there had n't you ?
11 But you yourself would be even more upset if somebody said to you : " Since your vision is now not absolutely perfect , you might as well go around with your eyes tight shut until you find your glasses again . "
12 Might as well go back and finish him off , ’ says Iain .
13 ‘ If we get them to write down their names and where they 're staying , they might as well go back to their hotels .
14 ‘ In that case , ’ he murmured , ‘ I might as well go back to my fishing .
15 She might as well go down , have a pre-dinner drink with Sally and see if her father was home yet .
16 You might as well go down there because you , you just might see something down there .
17 I said oh come on , we might as well go down and have a look .
18 Well I just thought I 'd go over now and I might as well go down the shop when
19 Might as well go out big might n't we ?
20 Oh then I might as well go out and buy
21 The businessman might as well go off and start his own photographic processor , print shop , or plumbing company but for the initial advice on how to run the organisation .
22 Might as well go in for a bit because .
23 When voices started rising and violence seemed inevitable , Kalchu told me that it would n't be resolved for hours and , rather than waiting around in the cold on the off-chance of getting some meat , we might as well set out for home .
24 And if they had to brave that to make a phone call , they might as well press on for home .
25 The first time he went down there he set , set a had to take the waters out , you know , said you 've done it before ai n't you said yeah I did it in in para 's and the bloke said yeah , right he said erm well there 's not a lot I can teach you senior N C O's he said you might as well piss off down the pub , I 'll see you later
26 Clara , uninvited , thought she might as well step in , so she did .
27 She took the flower-filled trug from Dr Neil , admired the blooms , adding briskly , ‘ Come along , McAllister ; you might as well make up for lost time , ’ and all three of them walked into the parlour , Matey and McAllister of necessity , since it was their only indoor access to the kitchen .
28 ‘ No , it means that once you 're caught in those waves you might as well give up . ’
29 If the House were to follow Palmerston blindly , they ‘ might as well give up talking about science and art and the beautification of the metropolis ’ .
30 Unless I get to her before they pay up we might as well give up looking ‘
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