Example sentences of "[modal v] be [v-ing] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Some believe that we should be looking at all ages to fulfilling activity which is not wholly employment based , but make more constructive use of leisure .
2 And I , like Mr ask that this issue should in fact be addressed , we should be looking at their total responsibilities , and I I support the action of the budget review in saying that er , we should be looking at this with a view to it being a corporate responsibility .
3 EP : Last time I saw you we felt that we should be looking at some kind of school with weekly boarding .
4 Moreover , the looming rises in direct taxation ( coupled with a drastically-increased cost of motoring ) seem destined to hit the middle-earner particularly hard , and that is surely where ministers should be looking for any significant rise in consumer demand .
5 ‘ And the relevant authorities should be looking into this before there is a further outbreak . ’
6 And of course if it 's a husband and wife , the two of you together should be thinking of this sort of information because you can do something about it in your will .
7 So how far do you actually want God to forgive you up to three times and then no more you know it 's it 's that kind of er question that we 're asking and that we that I feel that is something we should be thinking about that how far should a Christian go in forgiving .
8 And she asked herself why she should be thinking about those now , which seemed to bring forth other questions : Who was he ?
9 A point in case is the Mini Master homebuilt twin , above , a demonstration model of which should be flying at this year 's Popular Flying Association Rally at Wroughton.The Mini Master is a kit that has attracted a lot of attention in the US because it brings twin engine safety within the reach of the homebuilt market .
10 But what they do ask for , and what we should be calling to this government to honour the existing contracts at Swan Hunters , to allow the workers at Swan to complete the work on the three vessels already in the river .
11 I mean , if I stand a chance I should be hearing from any time now really .
12 Now the rag I should be using for this is the very dirty one and I 've started off with the clean one by accident .
13 The Minister should be dealing with that , not making cheap jibes about innocent telephone lines .
14 looked around and said well he said looked at me said er well cos he was just about to g throw a wobbly and say , well surely the sales department should be dealing with this , should be should be giving him the information and he he just turned round and gave the aforementioned quote and I just sort of went yes it is .
15 No one suggests he should be left to the mercy of mad killers , but if he 's really on the run he should be sheltering in some safe house , not bopping around town .
16 Er Madam Speaker I I entirely agree with the sentiments which have been expressed by Black and Decker and I have to say to members opposite that when companies like Mercedes are starting to source outside of Germany , with companies like Volkswagen are starting to look er outside Europe and Peugeot and others , alarm bells should be ringing for those members who are genuinely concerned about jobs because there is no doubt that the social chapter is driving people out of work and the longer that members opposite adhere to it er then the the greater will be the er the possibility o of er people er in Europe er embracing policies which will make those countries in Europe less competitive and less able to provide employment .
17 I should be living in some where that 's cheaper to run .
18 It 's right , it 's correct it is minus twelve but I could see you were really not very sure what you should be doing about that , that 's great , you 've found , you 've got that down to there , let's have a little look at the number line , zero , one , two , three and so on , minus one , minus two , minus three , minus four .
19 Just when you 're looking forward to pushing the boat out and having a spending spree , your sensible side reminds you of all the practical and prudent things you should be doing with any extra money you have .
20 Is there anything I should be doing to this flat ?
21 ‘ By the end of the five years , however , passengers should be paying for all operating costs and providing about half the investment expenditure . ’
22 So , er , in terms of composite twenty seven , it 's a very simple resolution , and it 's basically saying we should be supporting the er demands of the er campaign for pension fund democracy and the charter , and that we should abandon the committee takes those on , those demands , and er , we should be campaigning for that very very important issue , which is affecting increasingly millions of people up and down this country , not just the p the er the Maxwell pensioners .
23 And certainly that other main arm of executive control — the army — seems little better at this than the police , for the number of participant accounts of their deep structures remains negligible , supporting McCabe 's ( 1980 ) contention that we should be asking of all of these costly institutions , ‘ who is to be controlled by whom and for what reasons ? ’
24 I ca n't for the love of me understand the leadership of all the unions that allowed , we do n't even get enough holidays of what they get on the continent , we should be asking for more , not taking them off us or putting it in October to celebrate Nelson and Trafalgar because I could n't give a monkey for 'em .
25 The sooner that idea is introduced universally , the sooner individuals will have the right to a credit which they can cash in for training and further education , and we should be talking of both — of further education colleges and training schemes .
26 ‘ It 's odd we should be talking like this , ’ he said at last .
27 Well that 's true , yes , yes , David , yes I do n't think we should be talking like this you know .
28 I do n't think we should be talking like this but it 's quite natural is n't it ?
29 She should be longing for that day to come — should be ticking off the seconds till she was free of him again .
30 It is what environmental requirements we should be making of such groups , what code of practice can be agreed upon , that is my concern .
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