Example sentences of "[modal v] be [adv] [vb pp] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Benefits rates and totals should be regularly checked as well .
2 Such material should be regularly accessioned and catalogued , and its movements recorded , and directed from the library .
3 This plan should be regularly updated as the design evolves so that at any moment in time it represents the best forecast of the final cost of the project .
4 It is not within the scope of this book to enter into a detailed explanation of the technique of the horn , but the fact should be firmly grasped that it is based on the possibility of producing by means of varying embouchure the upper partials of the harmonic series derived from a fundamental note , the pitch of which depends on the length of the tube .
5 It meets , and even surpasses , all the criteria laid down by the World Cup committee after the inaugural event in 1987 ; that there should be healthy commercial environment , that the event should be well supported and that it should take place in only one country .
6 The pizzas should be well done but remain pale and soft enough to fold in the hand to eat .
7 All plants must be raised in a greenhouse from seed The ground should be well dug and manured with Growmore added .
8 It should be well located and of sound and durable construction ; it should not have too many drawbacks , and these can be wide ranging — the most obvious examples are traffic noise ( particularly from motorways or airports ) , inconsiderate neighbours , shared access , pubs and car parks , and vandalism .
9 The tank should be well planted but have areas of open water for swimming .
10 Until a young planting gets into its stride and you feel confident , a fair enough procedure would be : if the plant made three new stems last year , it should be well established and capable of making three this year , so three oldies to come out .
11 Natural stomachs are not often used now and the casing should be well pricked before the haggis is simmered in a pan of water for 30–40 min .
12 Immigrant rooms should be well ventilated and the interior of them so designed that they may be easily cleaned .
13 The floor should be well compacted and a 2.5 cm ( 1 in ) layer of sand spread and levelled .
14 The category of ‘ elementary ’ was abolished , and all schools should be separately organized as successively primary and secondary .
15 In regard to bailiffs , the association said : ’ We believe that the law and practice concerning the bailiffs should be urgently reviewed and amended .
16 Remember that a telephone call costs your employer both money and time , and for those reasons your technique for making calls should be both planned and cost-effective .
17 The chapter also proposes specific conditions for recognising gains in the p&l account — these are that the gain should be both earned and realised .
18 Questions : these should be open ended and not answerable with a simple single reply .
19 These resources should be open ended and act as a facilitator to support the child 's efforts , similar to those described by Bell and Best ( 1986 ) , which are content free and can be applied in many contexts .
20 Creative people can be hostile to research , and your findings should be tactfully presented and not issued as orders .
21 If so , there is the question of whether it should be newly formed or whether a shelf company will suffice .
22 The broad lines of advice had in fact already been established : the deflection of arterial traffic from built-up areas as far as practicable ; failing this , traffic should be either elevated or sunken when passing through urban areas ; vehicles , cyclists and pedestrians should be segregated on important traffic routes ; frontage access should be restricted ; fly-over crossings should be provided .
23 These should be either printed or duplicated and state how many issues are produced during the year .
24 Surely European laws should be either obeyed or disobeyed .
25 They should be either burnt or laid out flat to dry , or kept in an airtight tin .
26 The cube should be thoroughly sterilised and rinsed before use .
27 The area around the crack should be thoroughly cleaned and the two-part resin filler applied after it has been mixed up in accordance with the instructions .
28 Prostitution , said the Rescue Society in 1880 , ‘ should be completely suppressed and houses of ill fame utterly rooted out ’ .
29 The successfully transformed supermarket chain and multiple retailer Tesco — ranked 22 in The Times 1000 and employing 71 000 — similarly described headhunters as good servants but bad masters : their work should be closely defined and controlled by the client .
30 Now by that he meant that the ends sought should be closely defined and should not change and the means adopted should be effective and they should not change and the consequence is that adversaries then move into er er conflict but the conflict itself is self-limiting in the sense that one side will accept defeat er and , and the consequences of victory and clearly these consequences are not so severe to the state as to jeopardise its existence .
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