Example sentences of "[modal v] be [adj] only [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The criminal law , however , did recognise that an accused could be guilty only if he acted in a grossly negligent fashion .
2 Membership for the purposes of the Act of 1986 could be relevant only if that of itself conferred some right of appeal which has been denied to Winchester .
3 They argued that an ultra-right political movement could be possible only when its language and assumptions had first become an accepted part of the Federal Republic 's political discourse .
4 Let us be clear about this : if we were to deploy naval units , they could be effective only if they were authorised to fire .
5 The British Museum has ( or is believed to have ) some 5 or 6 million objects , so that a conventional stock-take of the entire collection could occupy all the qualified staff for five or six years and could be exhaustive only if all other duties were suspended for the duration .
6 This process of adaptation and acceptance may be broken into several phases which can proceed at varying speeds and may be complete only after several generations have passed .
7 These assumptions may be valid only as approximations in some cases , and in others may be obviously inappropriate .
8 Lord Diplock said the court need be satisfied only that the applicant 's claim was not ‘ frivolous or vexatious ’ and that there was ‘ a serious question to be tried ’ .
9 To establish laws of nature without analogizing would be possible only if there is indeed a logical operation for inferring from the particular to the universal , which induction is supposed to be .
10 The Commission , however , raised the possibility that importers ( e.g. an auctioneer ) could benefit from the temporary importation arrangements : VAT would be payable only if the item were sold , and it would be deductible .
11 It would be effective only if all , or at least a majority of firms — especially the large international search businesses — agreed to join .
12 We argued that this allocation would be efficient only if market failures did not occur .
13 However , funds provided in the third category would be available only if a country 's domestic policies were adjusted to that prescribed by the Community 's Council of Ministers .
14 A major influence was undoubtedly the personality of the dean himself , but the essential catalysts were the decision by the department of anatomy that it could no longer continue to operate two separate curricula — one for the traditional course and one for the parallel track — and the decision by several of the charitable funders of the new pathway that future grants would be available only if the scheme was adopted throughout the school .
15 General grants would be appropriate only if the grantor felt that all local services were merit goods .
16 It would be valid only if
17 We act as if the anti-Semitism comprehended the Fascism — which would be true only if all Fascists were anti-Semites ( they are n't ) , and if all anti-Semites were Fascists ( even less true ) .
18 I do not disregard the possibility that some rituals in some societies do indeed perform such a function , but this interpretation would be meaningful only if the members of those societies could be shown in their various ideas and practices — in particular those concerning personhood — to endorse such an interpretation .
19 Taking over responsibility for Britain 's nuclear deterrent from the RAF would be attractive only if funds allocated for it were transferred from the Air vote ; or
20 The British played an important part in triggering off a European response to American signals that large-scale aid would be forthcoming only if the Europeans themselves demonstrated an ability to co-operate and to produce a programme for recovery which satisfied American criteria .
21 If , for example , two people watch young tearaways behaving in an abusive manner towards them from a safe distance across the street , a conviction would be proper only if they were really likely to fear that violence would be likely to be used against them ( or another ) .
22 The Entrance Examination produced the usual number of candidates ( about 350 ) , but of these half would be interested only if a bursary or some other sort of aided place could be provided .
23 But such a big change would be desirable only if the structure of local government was reformed , to make it more responsive to local opinion .
24 ( 9 ) When this party has selected the prospective parliamentary candidate , section ( 3 ) of this clause shall be applicable only when section ( 8 ) applies or , having received a written request from the General Committee of this party for permission to reconsider the selection of the prospective parliamentary candidate , the National Executive Committee has decided that in its opinion there are changed circumstances relating to the prospective parliamentary candidate since his or her selection , and has given authority to this party to convene a special meeting of the General Committee in accordance with regulations sanctioned by the National Executive Committee to consider a resolution that the prospective candidate selected previously shall not be the candidate at the next general election .
25 However , we shall be satisfied only when no more such arrests are made , so that we do not have to go through the same business all over again .
26 This will be practical only if they are provided with the necessary training and time .
27 Time after time Nizan hammered out his basic message : the internal logic of fascism is rearmament leading to war ; the only way to prevent the catastrophe of a world-wide conflict is the creation of a potent counterbalancing force expressly designed to curb the expansionist tendencies of fascist nation states ; peace will be possible only if it is guaranteed by an effective network of alliances forged between civilised , peace-loving nations such as France , Great Britain and , above all , the USSR .
28 References to our name will be appropriate only where we have provided a report for publication in a public document or circular , or ( as provided for in the engagement letter ) have otherwise consented to the ‘ form and context ’ in which our name is to appear .
29 Discipline will be effective only if there is a two-way bond of affection and respect between parent(s) and child .
30 The governors and head have overall responsibility for managing the school , but this will be effective only if the considerable pool of talent and experience within the staff is used successfully .
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