Example sentences of "[modal v] be [verb] only [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Such an order should be made only where there is evidence of the defendant 's ability to pay .
2 In one text Paul appears to be of the same view ; but in another Papinian takes the opposite line , on the basis that the testator had in mind not that payment should be made only if a condition of surviving to a certain age was met , but that payment should be deferred to that point in time .
3 A point should be certified only where the outcome of the appeal depends upon it — the prosecution to appeal where a defendant would be acquitted on the certified point alone if the Court of Appeal 's judgment were to stand ; the defendant to appeal where a reversal by the House of Lords of the Court of Appeal 's decision on the certified point would be his only means of acquittal .
4 But the requirement of leave need not be too burdensome for applicants if an expeditious procedure for cases of emergency is provided ; and the question of time-limits could be dealt with by making it clear that a short time-limit should be imposed only if public works would otherwise be held in undue suspense .
5 Planning conditions should be imposed only where relevant , enforceable , precise and reasonable .
6 A dwelling for the living or a tomb for one 's ancestors should be sited only where it harmonizes completely with the forces of nature .
7 These obligations should be owed only if the firm owes the putative customer fiduciary duties , for example where it sells to a brokerage client back-to-back with its own trade in the market , or advises him ; perhaps also if the firm is a market maker or holds itself out as a dealer ( since that is providing a service ) .
8 Reprocessing spent nuclear fuel rods increases the volume of waste and should be undertaken only when necessary for safety reasons .
9 However , they should be prescribed only where there are definite indications .
10 If he did , then he was aware of the situation of risk and , it is suggested , should be acquitted only if his failure to consider that she might not appreciate the nature of the act was reasonable , bearing in mind his own capacities .
11 The Labour Party argued that a two-thirds majority of those voting , or a simple majority of those on the register , should be required , and the National Union of Teachers went even further with its suggestion that opting out should be allowed only if two-thirds of those on the register approved it .
12 A court should be slow to draw any such inference , however , since Parliament has in section 4 indicated its intention that an offence should be committed only where the distribution of literature is likely to lead to the use of violence .
13 Likewise , if past convention has made a particular layout familiar ( such as time increasing downwards or from left to right ) , a change should be considered only if a clear advantage is to be gained .
14 These should be considered only where designated smoking areas could not be provided .
15 Antidepressants should be considered only where depression is not improving ( as it usually does ) with weight gain .
16 Cadmium , one of the most toxic metals known to man , should be used only where no satisfactory alternative exists .
17 Fessey ( 1988 ) maintains that assertiveness techniques should be used only if a need requires expression or a right is about to be denied .
18 The article fails to emphasise the two most important tenets of safe prescribing of aminoglycosides — namely , that they should be used only if clinically justified and that they should be stopped as soon as the patient 's condition permits .
19 Embargoes should be used only if they are really necessary and a good deal of the embargoed material which reaches an editor 's desk does not really need this form of restriction .
20 Imprisonment is a harsh measure that should be used only when every other reasonable avenue has failed .
21 It is quite clear against the background that I have described that it was intended that it should be an exceptional power and that it should be used only when there are no other ways in which the individual applicant may consider the case himself through the planning process .
22 an advertisement should be approved only if it complies , in all material respects , with the SIB rules ( see checklist of contents contained in the Interim Accounts Checklist ( Form 825 ) ) and when the working papers are complete ( including verification and recording of all facts )
23 Textbooks should be quoted only if they express an individual opinion , and the lecturer ( qua lecturer ) not at all , When quoting authors , if the author is dead he may be referred to by his surname only , but if he is still with us it is polite to give him a handle — Sir or Prof. or Dr or Mr. As regards judges the customary J. , etc. , should be used irrespective of whether they are alive or dead .
24 Walsingham and Knighton also attempted to blame Wyclif and the Lollards for propagating revolt , but this must be seen only as scaremongering by the established order in the Church , attempting to tar the socially conservative academic heretic with the brush of revolution .
25 ‘ Restricting the liberty of children is a serious step which must be taken only when there is no genuine alternative which would be appropriate .
26 So sweeping are these demands , however , that they might be met only if large numbers of other workers support them , or if the miners bring the Soviet economy to a halt .
27 The execution of the letters rogatory might be refused only if the authenticity of the document was not established ; or if in the requested State its execution was not included within ‘ the attributes of judicial power ’ ; or if the request infringed the sovereignty or security of the requested State .
28 It is clear that it could be borne only if society itself were expanding in wealth and numbers .
29 Although the statements by Bush and Bolger appeared to open the way for improved relations , the US government indicated that formal " ally status " and the restoration of a full security relationship could be achieved only if New Zealand rescinded its legislative ban on nuclear-powered vessels .
30 In this situation , a tax-free payment of up to £30,000 could be achieved only if paid ex gratia and in circumstances not amounting to the receipt of relevant benefits under an unapproved retirement benefits scheme ( see Inland Revenue Statement of Practice 13/91 ) .
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