Example sentences of "[modal v] be [prep] we [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 However , the first step must be for us to achieve recognition at the level of official LEA policy that special educational provision begins with what the regular class teacher is doing in the classroom , and that the first responsibility of special needs teachers is to help class teachers meet special needs themselves .
2 I do n't know whether it was because he realised how hard it 'd be for us to get enough for both of us , or whether he knew he was off his head and needed someone around who was n't , y'know what I mean , to look after the kids and sort things out , like .
3 ‘ How sad it would be for us to lose you to the sea , Señor Capitano . ’
4 I think it would be for us to talk together , the four of us for a start , and er , and bring proper proposals to future meetings would n't it ?
5 but in the very unlikely , very unlikely er position whereby Norfolk are absolutely adamantly oppose our proposals then as Mr said it 's very difficult for us to build in , in neighbouring authority , there is however one procedure left to us and that of course will be for us to meet in private act of Parliament , well that is er almost unthinkable , but we do have a final resort to that with a , in many ways the problems in Brandon have to be resolved by , by doing a bypass and if in the end we have to do that I 'm sure that
6 I have also purchased a monograph of Parrots from a Mr Lear — When you and I are old men — how pleasing it will be to us to look at these together to quiz them all , and pass our We to upon them !
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