Example sentences of "[modal v] be [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I went to change me poll tax and er I says to her , I says , I should be court to Monday oh she says you 've got a fifteen pound court thing , I says aye , she says oh well that 's fifteen pound , I says it 's not cos I 'm not paying it I says I 'm not paying the fifteen pound to the court , I says , I says how come last year I did n't pay right round to February last year I said and yet I , your last payment 's next month , you know , she said oh well they 're stricter this year she says , she , if you 'd pay the half year you 'd of been alright
2 When morning came she was too ill with the poison to move and despite her weak protests he told her he would watch over her , for no eagle should be prey to gull or crow .
3 Put the remaining dividers that you have , it should be H to L after that section in front of the expense envelopes .
4 Cover for cancellation of your arrangements due to an accident or illness affecting you or your family should be £1,000 to £3,000 .
5 All entries should be address to Kit Kat Competition The editor 's decision is final .
6 A shock leader of about 20ft is essential , and should be 12lb to 15lb test .
7 It might be convention to lunch in the executive suite .
8 It is as if they might be responses to requests to " write up " exchanged conversation and counsel — some are lyrics and short prose poems on the nature of contemplative life .
9 In a few seconds time he might be face to face with the man who had killed Daniel .
10 Before the war grammar schools were distinguished by their academic curriculum , by the existence of sixth forms , from which there could be progress to university , and by the academic qualifications of the teachers ; and so , after 1944 , it was taken for granted that the grammar school ideal must be preserved in its familiar form .
11 On the other hand , examples like ( 33 ) could be responses to questions containing what ?
12 There is a thin strip of wasteland between the allotments and the depot which could be home to rats .
13 Springbok win could be route to Union elite
14 So , it could be goodbye to body odour — but only in the right room .
15 This may be home to Mercedes , Bosch , Kodak and Porsche to name but four , but it also offers endless greenery from the banks of the winding Neckar to the baroque palace in the historic heart of the city .
16 There may be hostility to rivals but there is also the deep sense of solidarity and identity that comes from fierce loyalties to a place or a people .
17 The British REd Cross are selling training packs for would be babysitters to accompagny the course .
18 As a result , administrative arrangements can be countenanced which would be anathema to Hong Kong 's British rulers .
19 I can see that England would be anathema to Fairfax .
20 The NCC estimates it would cost £4.5 billion to meter the whole country and it says the cost to consumers would be £135 to £205 per property , rising to £1,000 for flats that share a common supply .
21 Marilyn Thompson was Charlie 's wife 's best friend ; Charlie was to be Jack 's best man and one day he thought he would be godfather to Jack 's first child .
22 The Brewers Association of Scotland said that the real price increase across the bar would be 3p to 4p a pint as the 1.5p related to a pint of weak beer in the brewery .
23 The Brewers Association of Scotland said that the real price increase across the bar would be 3p to 4p a pint as the 1.5p related to a pint of weak beer in the brewery .
24 Pask stonewalled , claiming variously that he had no staff to answer questions , that only one boiler-maker in Britain was capable of making unit boilers for large sets , that they would encounter operational difficulties , that there would be economies to replication of smaller sets , that larger sets were more expensive than small ones , and that station layouts would not accommodate them .
25 She found it hard to believe that a Press Officer would be party to evidence of this nature .
26 Moreover , such a trend would be counter to government action during the 1980s , when central government grants to local government were progressively reduced .
27 Mercury is cagey on pricing , but it says that an agreement with British Telecommunications Plc means that incoming calls will be 50% to 70% cheaper than calls to cellular phones .
28 The paper reckons that a DEC AXP machine with 21064 CPU , a 512Kb secondary cache , six EISA slots , five drive bays and 16Mb to 128Mb memory will be $7,000 to $10,000 .
29 Tickets to include tea will be £1.00 to members — £1.50 non-members .
30 A return visit is planned for May when Darlington families will be hosts to Amiens children .
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