Example sentences of "[modal v] be [noun] [prep] their " in BNC.

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1 An elderly parent living alone invariably has problems to cope with , though , in some area of life , and ideally the people to help them should be members of their own family ; people who know their character and understand their needs , those they do not have to make an effort to relate to and trust , and who can move around freely in their homes , to sort through the various ‘ pockets ’ of their anxiety more easily than any stranger can do .
2 The intermediate targets should be destinations in their own right so long as they offer a good starting point for the next stage .
3 They have played the roles so often that the women must be part of their lives .
4 While all women are socialized for domesticity in much the same way — by identifying with their mothers ( and/or other adult women ) as housewives , internalizing the conviction that they must be housewives in their turn — for the working-class woman the linguistic process of role learning is such that ‘ I ’ becomes part of the role .
5 The Colonel 's Lady and Judy O'Grady might be sisters under their skins , but they went to different shops .
6 The caution he gave regarding their use implied that , despite being water based , there could be hazard in their application .
7 What it came down to was that Erlich had one last evening as an independent , and that from first light , from waffles and coffee time , he 'd be part of their team and doing their bidding .
8 Without proper product knowledge and technical appreciation of the product range , the agent will be ill-equipped to conduct negotiations with professional buyers who may be experts in their field .
9 For some , politics and political thought and action can be an important element within their ‘ grand ’ world view , and may be part of their religious or humanist convictions .
10 It should be borne in mind that despite the fact that psychiatric diseases such as depression or manic-depression tend to be vastly over-diagnosed , particularly in sufferers from alcoholism ( in whom these features may be indications of their primary disease of alcoholism ) , some patients do have both addictive disease and psychiatric disease and need appropriate treatment for both .
11 Sam could not see exactly what they were , but he knew that they would be lions with their heads between their paws .
12 To them I was just another recruit , and if I did well , got myself through the first six months and became a legionnaire , then I would matter to them because I would be part of their system .
13 Fourth year pupils were the principal subjects of the study as they would be members of their school for a full school year and were likely to have a lower absentee rate than the fifth year .
14 As children grow there can be changes in their vision , and since screening tests may be infrequent , teachers should be aware of some of the physical signs and behaviours that may indicate that a child is having problems with sight .
15 Judges in contempt cases can be judges in their own cause ; it is doubtful whether juries would have convicted Granada television for refusing to name its " mole " within British Steel , or solicitor Harriet Harman for giving a journalist access to documents read out in open court , or " The Independent " for publishing excerpts from " Spycatcher " at a time when the Government was trying to stop the British public from reading a book on open sale in other countries .
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