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1 Shares which the holder may or will be required to redeem are also not equity shares , since they do not form part of the residual interest in the company .
2 This is because the Law Commission 's Consultation Paper is now under active consideration , calling for a fundamental review of the law on this subject , including a fresh look at the various , often inconsistent , statutory régimes under which overpaid taxes and duties either may or must be repaid .
3 It is not however necessary to decide the point in the present case , and in any event cases of this kind are generally the subject of statutory régimes which legislate for the circumstances in which money so paid either must or may be repaid .
4 When it is argued that because the British Parliament is now under the control of the executive , nothing should or can be done to alter the situation , this denies the capacity of politicians and the public to remedy defects in their own institutions .
5 ‘ I can not believe that the legislature ever intended that the powers contained in paragraph 1 , with the sanction of criminal penalties , should or could be invoked to obtain information or documents of a potentially incriminating nature from one who had already been cautioned and charged with offences under the Act …
6 Before I go on to deal with the other submissions which have been made , particularly those by Mr. Clough , who appears for the local authority , to support his submission that the order was wrong on the merits , there is one further aspect of the justices ' order and that is the second ground of appeal where it is said that the justices ought to have given the parties the opportunity of addressing them on the question as to whether prohibited steps orders rather than an interim care order , or rather than no order at all , should or could be made .
7 There is no sense of how the various points discussed earlier in the book should or could be applied , for we are simply presented with certain aspects of the play 's style and development .
8 Repeating yesterday 's news that inflation had risen to 7.6 per cent , she said it was too high — it must and would be reduced .
9 3 ) Desire must and can be stopped .
10 RURAL WALES Comment Column : How environmental education must and can be improved in Wales
11 There is a much larger number of pupils who exhibit disruptive behaviour which can , should and must be dealt with by an effective school response .
12 His justification for the necessary invasion of privacy is the familiar - and thoroughly respectable — plea that politics should and must be personalised .
13 Indirect Rule dramatized , sanctified , and institutionalized the belief that backward races should and could be ruled by force of character rather than by force of arms .
14 Moreover , the theory that the pace of colonial development should and could be controlled effectively from Whitehall was soon disproved .
15 Of course , it is difficult to pre-empt a jury 's or judge 's decision on damages , but the fact that a very rich plaintiff might hand over his damages to charity should and could be taken into account in any assessment .
16 If the appropriate storage facilities do not exist , that is a problem which should and can be addressed by the reactor operators themselves .
17 If it transpires from the answer to this requisition that such a memorandum should and will be endorsed , make a note there and then on your completion agenda to obtain a copy of it .
18 It should and will be welcomed by the vast majority of people , and it proves that the Government are continuing their endeavours to improve our schools and our education system .
19 It will be the main task of Part Four of the book to explore the rationality of perfectionist moral pluralism , i.e. of pluralism of many forms of the good which are admitted to be so many valuable expressions of people 's nature , but pluralism which allows that certain conceptions of the good are worthless and demeaning , and that political action may and should be taken to eradicate or at least curtail them .
20 Implementation is capable of different strategies which may and should be used to suit different circumstances .
21 And the potency of that design resides , Foucault ( 1979 p 205 ) claimed , in that : " … [ it ] is a diagram of a mechanism of power reduced to its ideal form ; its functioning , abstracted from any obstacle , resistance or friction must be represented as a pure architectural or optical system : it is in fact a figure of political technology that " may and must be detached from any specific use .
22 Including a review of material already published about women and philosophy , she distinguishes between female , feminine and feminist points of view , and then , focusing on the first of these , she considers how philosophy could or would be affected by the inclusion of more women in its institutional structures .
23 Nor did he know whether the fridge had been manufactured to last or to become obsolescent quickly ; nor whether it consumed more or less electricity to run than other models ; nor whether , when it was defunct , its parts could or would be recycled .
24 Team appraisal thus involves sharing with colleagues your own strengths and weaknesses and what you and they think could or should be done about them .
25 Similarly , when we turn to care at home , it is not clear that if the costs of such support were to exceed those of residential care , they could or should be met .
26 Nonetheless , the public preference approach is not without its problems , notably how to assess people 's preferences , and whether a consensus could or should be achieved .
27 The argument was partly about nationalism — there were those who resented the fact that the country 's most prestigious and successful newspaper belonged to a foreign company and was edited by a European — but , more importantly , it was also about the degree of freedom which could or should be permitted .
28 It is true to say that the ‘ reforms ’ have been taking place along several different tracks at the same time , and it would be simplistic to suppose that the single element called ‘ case management ’ could or should be expected to ‘ make the difference ’ in isolation from other aspects of the reforms .
29 Having achieved a reasonably acceptable summary of information needs , there was a great deal of head scratching and heated discussion about how this could or should be used .
30 the debate which loomed large in Victorian society as to whether strict respect for the Sabbath could or should be enforced by law .
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