Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] have a [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 There is a need for three higher-performance machines ( Plant Records , Potting Shed , Arboretum Department ) , which should also have a higher memory specification .
2 We should then have a better idea about the Gold Cup .
3 You have fish which are notorious for making the water dirty , so must either have a greater volume — a bigger tank — or a better filtration system .
4 There have been miracles at Aintree before , and Ghofar , fit and fresh , may just have a better each-way chance than his odds of 33–1 suggest .
5 He used it to attack paternalistic officialdom and to articulate demands for social progress : ‘ I 'd tell people to forget their old ordinary life because ultimately , anyhow , we 'll either have a better life than that , or bust . ’
6 He might never have a better chance .
7 Want to sing with a high pitched voice , you 'll never have a better chance .
8 She 'd never have a better opportunity .
9 Any bilateral conflict about different perceptions of an appropriate or just distribution of values may also have a wider impact .
10 The correct character may often have a lower confidence because it was not such a good match with the Freeman database .
11 The caricature of teacher beliefs in List A would give rise to a correspondingly narrow set of teacher actions , whereas a teacher characterised by List B may well have a wider , more enabling , range of teaching strategies available .
12 In secondary schools the cooperation of the music department might be enlisted , and the music department there may well have a wider range of recordings to offer , or may be able to advise on suitable pieces .
13 Testimonies lived out in daily life may frequently have a greater impact for eternity than many a well-delivered sermon .
14 However , there are those who take the view that , on the day of the actual birthday , they would rather have a smaller celebration with the immediate family .
15 More than half would rather have a shorter summer break and more holidays at other times .
16 Clearly , we have made great progress in bringing inflation under control and we shall soon have a lower rate of inflation than Germany for the first time in a generation .
17 [ The Purchaser ] shall then have a further two weeks to agree the accounts with the Vendors .
18 It gives me great pleasure to announce that that would mean Cherwell District Council would have to disappear as well , and that would be another blip off the horizon erm but that what would happen you would therefore have a smaller authority , who would then become the Education Authority , and that would be would have to be , I think , somewhere in between the current District Council size in Cherwell or the Vale , of what about a hundred thousand , and the present county , which is rather more than half a million .
19 I would never have a better diversion , I thought , then it did get better .
20 A moorland parish will obviously be larger than a parish in a fertile area that was densely settled in early times ; a church that was an Anglo-Saxon missionary centre will usually have a larger parish than one that was founded later .
21 You will also have a better recall of what has been said .
22 A cold ball will also have a harder feel at impact and will fly lower because of the relative inability of the clubface to impress it .
23 This will probably have a worse risk-benefit trade off than the formalised use of league tables .
24 This will probably have a worse risk-benefit trade off than the formalised use of league tables .
25 Dr Tony Martin , a whale biologist at the Sea Mammal Research Unit in Cambridge , said : ‘ It is marvellous that it 's worked and hopefully people both here and internationally will now have a better idea of how to solve a similar problem .
26 Granada will now have a smaller cohesive top management team which will enable the group to respond quickly and effectively to challenges .
27 You will then have a better chance of getting through to the interview stage ;
28 You will ultimately have a better vehicle however .
29 Great Britain have never won the World Cup but after this summer 's titanic struggle for the Ashes and blessed with home advantage , Mal Reilly 's men will never have a better chance to take the trophy .
30 In this respect , they may truly have a lower metabolic rate .
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