Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [vb infin] [pron] hand " in BNC.

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1 Children should always wash their hands before handling food , particularly if they 've recently been in contact with pets .
2 It takes a good deal of suppleness to be able to get both your elbows onto the ground — you might only get your hands flat on the floor to begin with .
3 The secret I find and you may over the next day or day and a half to a couple of days you may well see me just do that occasionally I 'll just throw my hands back down to me side .
4 And — just for ten minutes , ten or fifteen minutes , and the others stay with me , and we 'll just try our hands at a couple of
5 Erm I mean I 'm concerned again through his eyesight that i were we to put him as the assistant and put him on a machine , that he might just put his hand somewhere and get his hand bloody trapped or whatever with his eyesight .
6 It wo n't be long before she catches a chill , and then I 'll really have my hands full .
7 You might even try your hand at designing your own .
8 Although I do seem to remember a little scene after you 'd carelessly cut your hand at the fountain , when I mentioned a few more personal attributes that were to my liking . ’
9 I 'd sooner have my hands cut off than vote Conservative . ’
10 I 'd sooner have my hands cut off than vote Conservative . ’
11 Twenty-two goal Peacock is out of contract in the summer and though Boro boss Lennie Lawrence has made no approach , he could soon show his hand .
12 I could just see my hand when I held it out .
13 God , if I could just get my hands on the bastards who did that to your house !
14 I ca n't tell anyone , she thought ; people would n't believe me , they 'd just pat my hand and give me tranquillizers .
15 Her sense of its deliberate concealment was overwhelmingly strong-it had been placed out of sight , but in a place where its owner could easily put his hand on it .
16 One such gillie , towards the end of his career , carried out his duties more by instinct than by reason : he had always been shortsighted , but , nearing retirement , he could hardly see his hand in front of his face .
17 Lydia could still feel her hands sweating .
18 Adult women could often turn their hand to more than one form of casual employment .
19 And even if she did she 'd never get her hands dirty helping in a kitchen ! ’
20 I swore I 'd never take my hands out of my pockets again .
21 From time to time Rafiq would gently prise his hand free and stroke the boy 's hair , murmuring some soft endearment .
22 When she walked into a village the Africans would often clap their hands in a reverential way .
23 He would often hold her hand when they were at large gatherings : it was , one friend wrote , " very touching " .
24 Times when he would absentmindedly lay his hand on her shoulder , or stroke a wayward curl from her cheek .
25 In those days Madame would never stop him from drinking , would never put her hand out over his glass like a good or responsible woman is supposed to in such scenes ; Madame would give him the whole bottle , and say , quietly and sincerely , I hope you know what you 're doing .
26 Thingol , Luthien 's father , is so enraged that a mortal should dare to woo his daughter that he says he will only give her hand to Beren if he will wrest one of the Silmarils , or enchanted jewels , from the iron crown of the dark lord Margoth .
27 There is a mystic , psychic quality about them that is pleasantly disturbing , and often one of them will gently take my hand and gaze steadily into my eyes as if willing me better and I feel sort of honoured to be welcomed into their society .
28 No , I do n't mean punch the other person on the nose — apart from the fact that you will simply prolong or exacerbate the aggression , you will probably hurt your hand !
29 But at any rate I can finally dust my hands and put my jacket on with a clear conscience .
30 Try this simple test : if you can easily slide your hand under the small of your back , the bed is probably too firm , but if it 's difficult the bed is probably too soft
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