Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] do the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Approximately that now I 've it 's very y'know woolly , most people do n't bother but you should really do the scatter plot to see whether a relationship is linear as opposed to something like that which would be curvier linear .
2 Because her expectations were realistic , she accepts without rancour the fact that she must either do the work herself or employ someone to do it for her .
3 Anselm acquiesced in this explanation and waited for peace , but then , long after it had been apparent to others , it dawned on him that he must either do the job or give it up — preferably , so far as he was concerned , the latter .
4 let's just do the door right off we go look where you 're going
5 let's just do the diagram like that .
6 No no , we 'll just do the right .
7 OK , I 'm not doing those , I 'll just do the tea
8 Who knows , the lucky 13th innings might just do the trick for Hick ?
9 And that 'll hopefully do the trick .
10 It does but it might also do the gas might do something else as well .
11 Some British students might actually do the course , though they would be kept to a small minority .
12 The Press Complaints Commission as it presently exists could easily do the work required without having to introduce a completely new layer of restrictive legislation . ’
13 Or we could always do the Aqua Suite .
14 But sheer pressure — from within , from the Soviet Union and other allies and from the West — could conceivably do the job .
15 If we said , like , if we , every second month say or every third month , then we , we knew we were going to have a speaker , we could the time before we could then do the business more thoroughly and carefully so that the month of the speaker we could just go through it very quickly .
16 But the seminar could never do the whole of what a novel does , since theory falsifies where stories teach wisdom .
17 Whereas if we 're very careful about how we put the message across , it could actually do the opposite in that , people see that they 're entitled to a certain basic level if you like , to enable them
18 Preventing a young and disruptive child from playing , but allowing him/her to watch the others at play , may also do the trick .
19 A few well-aimed , well-considered words above the hubbub may well do the trick .
20 Better stop and walk to the Post Office Sorting Office — the light is closing in and I would rather do the mile there and mile back in daylight .
21 Greeks do not like big organisations ; they would rather do the job personally .
22 He would merely do the job and get a pittance .
23 I would normally do the PM first thing tomorrow but they are n't expecting me back at the hospital until Monday and the PM room is tied up until the afternoon .
24 The killer faces a future existence in solitary confinement , since his fellow inmates would undoubtedly do the court 's job for them if they were given the chance .
25 So they would actually do the shopping for the material , and then they would go away and look at pattern books and decide what sort of patterns they wanted , what sort of dress it was that they wanted to make .
26 So he would actually do the work himself ?
27 But Agnew 's , who exhibited for the first time this year and made at least one sale of ‘ around $50,000 ’ said they were ‘ pleased with the quality of the crowd and would definitely do the show next year ’ .
28 Should you have any difficulty , a word with your Club rep will normally do the trick .
29 A simple DIR command , applied three or four times , will normally do the trick .
30 This sort of bureau is most happy when it is handling the complete job from design through to the final artwork and , in some cases , will even do the printing as well .
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