Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] be some [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As I have already indicated , I am not sure whether there may perhaps be some mockery of the over-solicitousness of the Poet 's desire for this marriage and the begetting of a ( boy- ) child , as indeed of the appeal to the egoist 's desire to perpetuate himself .
2 ‘ It does seem to me there must necessarily be some provision of this kind unless it is to be supposed that ministers are never to be allowed to leave the country at all . ’
3 There must still be some mistake .
4 There must still be some people alive who recall going on to a Sunday School outing from Leicester to Foxton ; parties would travel to Market Harborough by train and either by boat or cart to Foxton .
5 But he or she must still be some sort of a hero .
6 But as there must always be some kind of observer-effect in patterns revealed in this analytic way , the position of the observer , and the preconceptions that he or she brings to the act of observing , must be accounted for at every phase of the research .
7 Even if the offeror waives the need for communication to him , there must always be some act to indicate acceptance .
8 However , if the scribes really had used variants ‘ at will ’ , we would actually be unable to read the texts , as there would be no system in the spelling ; but there must always be some order in any spelling system that we can read , even if it is a variable system .
9 Despite this , the House of Lords rejected any concept of commercial equivalence so that Lord Atkin held : It was contended that in all commercial contracts the question was whether there was " substantial " compliance with the contract : there must always be some margin and it is for the tribunal of fact to determine whether the margin is exceeded or not .
10 They also produced all-embracing " definitions of marriage " of enormous complexity , the sole purpose of which was to ensure that , no matter what the ethnographic facts might be , there must always be some institution which an anthropologist could feel justified in labelling " marriage " .
11 This is more likely , but there must also be some responsibility on the part of heads and governors .
12 Furthermore because the Hall voltage is independent of the gate voltage V g , on a plateau , there must also be some form of electron reservoir able to keep the electron density constant , for , remember , the Hall voltage should depend on the density of mobile electrons .
13 If this heat excess was due to fusion , then there should also be some proof in the form of electromagnetic or nuclear radiation , such as the production of neutrons .
14 There should also be some metal clips around the bottom of the base that make contact with the lid to make sure the machine is earthed properly .
15 There should also be some cover for buying basics like toothbrush and undies if your luggage is delayed .
16 But I knew that there must really be some mystery about the previous year , some deliberate and inexplicable suppression on Mitford 's part .
17 There must surely be some connection of ideas here , and he would get better quickly if he could be certain that everything made sense .
18 There might still be some nuts lying round it . ’
19 She says that there 'll always be some complainers .
20 So there 'll clearly be some fight before signs like this become a new feature of the Ridgeway .
21 Of course Evelyn knew that she would never assault an old person and that these horrid apparitions must be an image of her own fear of age and death , might even be some kind of safety valve .
22 Finally , the sweet exchange of personnel from , agency to corporation ( and vice versa ) and the extent to which some agency officials are amenable to getting their hands grubby with filthy lucre again make the executive suite a relatively safe place for planning illegal behaviour — there might even be some people present who are supposed to be enforcing the law !
23 It was therefore recognised that there might well be some dementia sufferers who could not be helped by this project because their needs would be so great that they would be more expensive to meet in the community than in an institution .
24 Even with a perfectly judged autorotation , there may still be some tendency for the model to swing round in the same direction as the blade rotation .
25 As it sweeps on , through Greece and Rome , dark ages and renaissance , world empire and industrial revolution , towards this present century of war and destruction , it succeeds in suggesting that , against all the odds , there may still be some basis for the political and economic union now intensively , if fractiously , under discussion .
26 There may still be some possibilities , however , perhaps by filling as much of the waking day as possible with exhausting and demanding activity to reduce the time which can be given to introspection .
27 To her horror , Folly saw Luke nod and turn away down the corridor , leaving her alone with this sinister whispering woman who seemed to take it for granted that she was meekly going to strip off and join in what could only be some kind of orgy .
28 It could only be some quality in the stillness of the air which made the voice carry so beautifully .
29 In the quiet of the new suburbs , regrets for the past : " There 'd always be some life about .
30 The setting is a beach though in the crowded painting , background trees suggest it could also be some sort of a clearing .
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