Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] be look at " in BNC.

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1 This distinction between the roles in a drama and the actors who play the roles corresponds to the fact that the data of field research must always be looked at in two dimensions .
2 Erm , so , the , given any organisation should always be looking at what it 's been , it 's doing to see whether , what it 's doing , erm , it should continue to do , you know , whether the , whether the services is a defunct or whatever , or whether we could provide it in a , erm in the most up to date way , the most progressive way .
3 The occupier must also be looked at .
4 The discharge of the basic obligations under the contract , relating to delivery , passing of risk and property , and payment , are partly a matter for negotiation between the parties ( although the SGA provides guidelines ) but must also be looked at in relation to s 3 of the UCTA , with its restrictions on clauses excluding liability for breach .
5 We should also be looking at the types of enquiries which we would not deal with .
6 This is of course very much smaller than the comparative figure for the previous year of £321,715 , but it should also be looked at in the context of the budget for 1991–92 which had predicted a loss of £117,000 .
7 The question of er P P G thirteen and transportation I think is vitally important , York will come into the position that Chester er where I was just at a transportation enquiry recently , it 's a very similar sort of city , it 's not quite the same as Cambridge , where Cambridge is leaping ahead on quite , some would say draconian transportation measures , York in the forceable future will have to look at specialist transportation measures , that 's important in terms of the planning policy guidance that is out , it 's also in the white paper , it may be in draft P P G thirteen , it 's also in I think it 's P P G twenty two , renewable energy , that we should now be looking at developments which is closer to work , that links then to the question of sustainability and viability of a new settlement , I am not aware , and and I put it guardedly in those terms , of any significant employment existing or proposed in any of the new settlement proposals .
8 In order to counter the effects of this drop in trade and profitability , and at the same time ensure a successful and profitable year in 1992 , companies within the hotel and catering industry should now be looking at making savings in time and money , while at the same time improving their service to the customer .
9 As Corrigan and Frith ( 1975 ) suggested , we should really be looking at the potential that is expressed in their deviant lifestyles and ‘ resistance ’ activities .
10 This perspective , says Rommetveit ( 1982 ) , makes arguments about the ‘ truth conditions ’ of utterances sterile , since what we should really be looking at is how the participants themselves constructed such an appearance .
11 its them that should actually be looked at as opposed to the , to the vehicle 's themselves .
12 For example , if a company occupies a self-contained building then it may simply be looking at sub-letting a surplus floor or floors to achieve its objective .
13 What we have in terms of the advice for the open countryside outside the areas that would normally be looked at and allocated for development is the rural exceptions policy that forms part of P P G three .
14 As a result , I shall experience a succession of different " complexes of qualities " but I shall still be looking at the same bunch of flowers .
15 Head teacher of Bentley School , Philip Callaway , told the Herald that during the week , the children 's topic work would also be looking at changes in everyday life over the 150 years .
16 At a later stage erm in our program we would also be looking at larger containers of erm of water er something like well in our third year erm five litre canisters .
17 ‘ If it 's just productivity applications or Windows that you want , you should stay where you are ’ , said Stuart , who said that ICL would certainly be looking at NT when it emerges .
18 Covenants imposed on employed solicitors will always be looked at objectively and the court will presume an inequality of bargaining power .
19 Treasury officials will also be looking at slapping Vat for the first time on bus fares , water , domestic fuel , books and newspapers .
20 And in fact we 'll come back to look at this and Bob will also be looking at er with you environmental analysis as well .
21 The company will also be looking at levels 3 and 4 , so that supervisors and managers can also take part .
22 We will also be looking at the potential for ‘ converting ’ existing national awards into general SVQs , and at ways of fitting Higher National Certificates and Higher National Diplomas into the general SVQ framework .
23 The focus will be upon the routine ways in which the majority of complaints are dealt with inside these organizations , although more formal procedures will also be looked at .
24 Erm the cost of capital costs of of signing er will also be looked at and then a further report from the subcommittee to the council .
25 You will now be looking at the actual design which is to be etched into the copper foil .
26 Accounts as a whole will now be looked at and how to extract the most useful information for assessing performance and financial position will be considered .
27 In the departmental model as I 've already said and often we will typically be looking at a single sweep of requirements a single business function .
28 I will therefore be looking at the range of measures on offer to ensure that as we come out of the recession they offer unemployed people practical and effective help in getting back to work . ’
29 A screen , on the other hand , not only has a specific function , but is also an integral part of the overall design , and will therefore be looked at in quite a different way .
30 And they will actually be looked at quite closely will individual products .
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