Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] [pers pn] at " in BNC.

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1 You should only consider it at all if you believe your marriage can continue .
2 If you do live in the same house as your landlord and he or she wants you to leave the property then he or she must still give you at least four weeks Notice to Quit on a special form .
3 Science and the Renewal of Belief does not duck the obvious but difficult questions — as an Anglican lay minister , Professor Stannard must often meet them at grass roots .
4 He seemed to think she should simply take him at his word .
5 ‘ Then let's just leave it at that , and clear away these dishes . ’
6 Lisa 's publicity manager Jacqueline Keeley said : ‘ It was a fun day — let's just leave it at that . ’
7 ‘ We have a good working relationship ; let's just keep it at that , shall we ?
8 You 'll only spend it at the bar otherwise .
9 So , for the moment , we 'll just leave it at that shall we ? ’
10 David Adams , one of London 's leading technical experts has moved salons and you 'll now find him at Paul Windle 's salon in Covent Garden .
11 What is called ‘ any benefit , or even any legal possibility of benefit , ’ in Mr. Smith 's notes to Cumber v. Wane , is not ( as I conceive ) that sort of benefit which a creditor may derive from getting payment of part of the money due to him from a debtor who might otherwise keep him at arm 's length , or possibly become insolvent , but is some independent benefit , actual or contingent , of a kind which might in law be a good and valuable consideration for any other sort of agreement not under seal .
12 It 'll certainly do us at the moment in the winter wo n't it ?
13 He 'd rather do it at night !
14 You could just see them at low water and er that was one of the danger points but I 've never seen ships coming close to Skerrymor at all .
15 The delicacy of his touch as he stroked her was such that Julia could hardly feel it at all , and yet it aroused in her a longing for him that she had never before experienced .
16 He had fought off his anger , but Jenna could still see it at the back of his eyes .
17 If she does , you never know , you could still find her at the old gym , this time in the Band .
18 She could always watch it at nine , though this was not the same .
19 , right , I 've got to see him , that 's right , right , that 's right , and yet you see , if this guy desperately needs to see you and you say , I ca n't be there until five o'clock , he 'd still see you at five o'clock .
20 yes you could probably ring me at work yep that 's more convenient so that 's
21 I mean if he was going to attack me , he 'd surely do it at some time when he had a reason to be angry .
22 Dreadful for the whole of our land , because the Agatean Emperor looks after his own and could certainly extinguish us at a nod .
23 She could never face him at the party if she did n't know where she stood — did n't know whether or not he had rejected her apology or was prepared to be friendly .
24 And you could actually see them at it , the grease monkeys , with hammers and spanners , about their long chore of patient wreckage .
25 I think it would be nice , and then we could actually discuss it at the next planning meeting which I presume , which is the twentieth
26 ( Who knows , they may even enjoy a book so much that the next time the author is published they may even buy it at full price ! )
27 That may well put them at risk , but then the government does n't asses such things on the grounds of the impact on charity workers
28 Place the fish in an aquarium with just enough depth of water for it so swim in and increase the temperature to 5–6°C above what you would normally keep it at .
29 Not that I shall probably need it at all .
30 Bith remembered a nearly forgotten , seldom-told belief that , although Gnome was an acquired taste amongst giants , they would occasionally serve it at very special occasions .
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