Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] down [art] " in BNC.

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1 Let's all go down The Strand have a banana .
2 But now the old paternalism began to reassert itself , determined that whatever shackles had been placed around the BBC should also tie down the commercial companies .
3 As the total amount of paid employment relative to the working population diminishes then we must either break down the barrier between employment and work or be condemned to live in a society permanently divided between the employed and growing numbers of the unemployed .
4 When Eric Cantona , having completed his first full 90 minutes , embraced Mark Hughes at the end of this significant victory , it was apt that McClair should quietly shuffle down the tunnel .
5 Well my understanding of team briefings , very quickly , is is to give you an example , after C S M T , what we should do is one of us should actually write down the key points from C S M T that you want to communicate to staff .
6 Oh no , that 'll just shut down the gain and this
7 ‘ And the traffic will be so congested at this time of afternoon , you 'll hardly get down the High at all , and it 's clouding over , and Felicity should acclimatize herself before she goes out , particularly since Magdalen is so cold at this time of — ’
8 Turning to the volume 's introductory pages , I read some encouraging words that at once led me to hope that I might yet track down a few potential search areas that had not already received too much attention .
9 Oh yes I know one man there now , well he 's so dumb he 'd rather go down the hold , than he would do marking the pencil and paper .
10 He 's so thick , you know he 'll say right I 'll go down the hold , I 'll do the humping , what they call humping , he 'll do that , loading these slings or bags , rather than him standing there and say well ten bags in that sling , put ten down , he could n't do that , so he 'd rather go down the hold that 's happened .
11 At one point Andy says : ‘ I 'd rather walk down the Falls Road with a Union Jack wrapped round me than I would get out here . ’
12 At first the simple machines available could only detect down a few inches , and — amongst other operating difficulties — encounters with tufts of grass caused them to constantly give off false signals .
13 However , Marx believed that ruling class ideology could only slow down the disintegration of the system .
14 They could only lead down a particularly humiliating blind alley she 'd vowed she 'd avoid at all costs …
15 If you could just jot down a few ideas that .
16 You know like , if I 'm really thirsty , I could just gulp down a glass of water or a glass of orange , just like that , but with fizzy drinks , I do n't know , I ca n't swallow them very easily , just sort of er ,
17 You 're not serious that they 're going to go to nothing could always go down a hundred .
18 Does the Minister agree that the next time one of these offenders comes before the courts for sentencing , if the sentence does not contain a deterrent element , bearing in mind the increase in this type of crime , it would be wise for the Home Office to seek the guidance of the Attorney-General so that the sentence can be referred to the Court of Appeal , which could then lay down a guideline sentence for this type of crime which contains a deterrent element ?
19 Having perfected each manoeuvre in the flat water , I could then sail down the estuary to the open sea and practise what I had learned on the waves .
20 I 'd then put down the typical weight , a typical height , the main use , the usual colour tell me some key to press please ?
21 If it 's a concrete floor you could either put down a new wood floor or tile it with some sort of composition tile or sheeting like vinyl or linoleum which is showing quite a revival .
22 But , we have interest rates at the lowest rate they 've been , well , in my memory , really , in terms of er er my time in business , and they may even go down a further one per cent .
23 It seems that many people , perhaps without even thinking about it , would rather do down the other player than cooperate with the other player to do down the banker .
24 Mr Craxi thinks the new rules would penalise smaller parties such as his own ; hence the speculation that he would rather bring down the government than allow the referendums to happen .
25 If she should mention to Constance that someone had treated her shabbily and Constance referred the matter to her brothers , they would uncomplainingly track down the brute and teach him manners .
26 The increased competition from imported coal which the proposed privatization of the electricity industry was expected to unleash would also force down the price of British mined coal — most of which is used in CEGB power stations .
27 The brewers argued that introducing arbitration would inevitably slow down the process of negotiating agreements .
28 So far from sending prices up , the abolition of licensing would immediately bring down the market price of existing houses and would in a short time begin to make an impression on the costs of new ones ; for the pressure of demand for new houses at a cost of nearly £2,000 apiece for a council-type is , in our opinion , very limited .
29 He would then turn down the fell and begin to race , faster as it grew steeper , more furiously as the half-ton of slate threatened to catch him up and ( as happened regularly ) crush against him , until , blown with exhaustion , he reached the unloading bays at the foot of the fell .
30 MARTINA NAVRATILOVA yesterday revealed that she will finally bring down the curtain on her incredible career at the end of next year .
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