Example sentences of "[modal v] [adv] [verb] at [noun] " in BNC.

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1 My family think I should only eat at meal times , and only in small quantities , but I need more than that — my stomach rumbles all the time between meals .
2 But as well as cost , you must always look at quality .
3 The community must also look at ways to boost jobs and strengthen democracy .
4 Nevertheless , he felt that it was only correct that the recipient of such a gift should also feel at ease there , and indeed it very quickly became the ‘ home ’ of the Queen as well .
5 However inept or inefficient local government must inevitably appear at times , it does represent a vital element of Britain 's constitution and a defence , albeit imperfect perhaps , of democracy and freedom .
6 We must now look at section 433 of the Insolvency Act 1986 :
7 If it is only our climate which would prevent an expanded leisure industry from being successful , we should surely look at ways of doing something about it .
8 But now I think there 's a new feeling abroad that instead of trying to solve the poverty of third world countries , by providing them with aeroplanes , particularly for their armies and providing them with electricity generating plants , we should actually start at bottom ; we should start with the children , in providing medicines , in providing enough food , so that those children will grow up and will be able to fend for themselves , providing them with skills , providing them also with markets for the goods that they 'll produce .
9 I know , mm I think I 'll just stay at home .
10 ‘ If we might just look at clauses 3–8 , 17–19 , 28–29 , 56–58 , 103–105 , 130–134 … ’
11 Sage is currently re-vamping the online help system to make it context sensitive , and I 'm hoping that they 'll also look at idiot proofing and the application of the Windows interface .
12 A high grade official might also keep at hand a jade sceptre ( ju-i ) with flattened head and curved handle of a kind used at court and commonly presented by an emperor to persons of distinction , and in addition a hat-stand with carved domed head mounted on a wooden stem and base set with jade .
13 Where a book might originally sell at £15 , Smith might buy it for £1.50 and sell it at £5.50 — a profit was turned , and the public benefited .
14 I have therefore devoted little space to the problem in this study , but those who feel that it is important might well look at Dr Johnson 's comments on Macbeth — he disliked ‘ the Butcher 's knife ’ — and also at the correspondence between Gerard Manley Hopkins and Robert Bridges .
15 It is therefore relevant to consider what might ultimately happen at Meadow House should the application be granted consent .
16 ‘ But you 'll never score at Wembley again , ’ I said , nodding at his leg .
17 I 'll never look at spaghetti as long as I live .
18 Since I 'd rather look at vegetation than at larch lap panels , I decided to try to cover the whole fence with a rich variety of climbers and wall plants .
19 Ah , he 'd rather work at home
20 Corbett could only shout at Ranulf to stay and do nothing before Selkirk took him at a canter out of the abbey .
21 He looked anything but gratified , and she could only marvel at Araminta 's inability to see how unwelcome was the good fortune that had come to him .
22 when did one team have two keepers sent-off in the same game … it could only happen at Hereford
23 Which accusation nobody could ever level at Jeffrey Bernard .
24 And I believe that if none proves acceptable , he could even remain at Anfield on a week-to-week contract .
25 The precedents for this kind of poem go back to the seventeenth century , and one could usefully look at Pope 's Windsor Forest or Dyer 's Grongar Hill .
26 Mr Tudball told a meeting of the exchange 's ship-broking members they could either remain at Lloyd 's of London or move to the old Billingsgate fish market in the meantime .
27 Sally-Anne put up her hands again , could barely look at Dr Neil .
28 It 's something he 'd never try at Rafferty 's anyway !
29 This can make those rare beings quite boring — an accusation you could never level at Jack .
30 One reason was for communications , but another reason that was rather intriguing to scientists was that they could actually look at stars and look at the space between the stars and use a different region of the spectrum , in particular the radio region .
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