Example sentences of "[modal v] [pers pn] be [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Although it is early days yet , should we be that club , then it can only spell disaster .
2 Was the Universe destined to go on expanding forever , or might it be that gravity would eventually pull all the galaxies back together again until there was a ‘ Big Crunch ’ — later to be followed by a new Big Bang ?
3 Might it be that living with Phillis had turned him patsy , a dope to any skirt ?
4 Nor might it be much consolation to him , as he ran into the singularity in real time , to know that his particles will survive in imaginary time .
5 Might it be some form of …
6 I looked carefully about me , hiding behind one of those contorted shapes , and glimpsed Dana in the distance , walking away from the group of friends and joining a young woman , tall , pale , dark , distinguished-looking — could it be that dancer of his ?
7 Could it be that Sun Microsystems Inc president Scott McNealy 's voice is being heard this side of the Atlantic , after he reportedly told Novell Inc 's Ray Noorda to fire everyone at Unix System Labs except a handful of marketing guys and the engineers ?
8 Could it be that Europeanism is in direct proportion to dissatisfaction with one 's own political institutions ?
9 Could it be that crime has become too easy , that violence has become too much a theme of television and videos , that respect for other people has gone too much out of fashion and too many young people see no stake for themselves in this society and see more of a future in crime and the black economy ? ’ he asked .
10 Could it be that Mathilde and her father had …
11 Could it be some sort of retribution for sending a 440k gif file last week ?
12 Could it be some form of horse decoration .
13 now if someone therefore becomes interested in one of the developments , would they be any doubt buying the houses without having a solicitors assistance ?
14 Would it be that head of the family ? or the coffin maker ?
15 Would it be all self taught or or how
16 Would it be any help to tell me ? ’
17 would it be any help for
18 I got no , I 've got no innate ability and if you try to teach me , would it be any use ? just a stupid example .
19 Will you be that man , Major ? ’
20 Will you be that woman , Tessy ? ’
21 Long-focus shots of me groping in the dark , or will it be more close-ups of my stupidity ? ’
22 How can he be this world class player … when he is a winger but cant even cross the ball ? ?
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