Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [pron] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 procedures should be what is happening , not what our aspirations are .
2 Should they be voting in their own interests , or should be they be voting out of their view of what is right , what is the good ?
3 These must be what are called hypnogogic images , the strangely potent montages which come at a mind already lapsed into a sort of sleep .
4 ‘ If I 'm not far mistaken this must be what is termed ‘ an area of outstanding natural beauty ’ .
5 And their appearance must be what was considered beautiful .
6 Furthermore , we may perhaps see in " make smooth , straight " a greater precision than in " prepare " in line A is properly " clear away " , i.e. " remove any obstacles " , which could apply to an already existing road-which might be what is meant by " the way of Yahweh " .
7 Erm that seems to be the main motivation but I do n't think it is , personally , er it might be what is suggested to them because if they look like going socialist again , then it is not what the majority of the capitalist wants , or the major powers want .
8 I 'm only edgy because there might be something being planned , but I 'm probably completely wrong .
9 I 'm convinced that could be what 's affected the Rose Bowl 's profits recently .
10 Besides , it could be you 're over-ratin' this guy , Nate .
11 She had told Dr. Saxby , and he 'd said he 'd mention it to Dr. Briant ; it could be she was having a bit too high a dose of the red capsules .
12 But correct as the analysis may be it is limited to pragmatic instrumentalist legal theory , and the prescription fails to take account of social theories which may help to explain the changes in the rule of law over time .
13 Whatever your strength may be it 's encouraged . ’
14 If this is how you describe your running , it may be you are running with no plan and no sense of direction .
15 Probably five eight rather than cos yeah I erm okay see erm right right right erm , so the thing that I would be looking for , if I could find this , would be what 's doing the colouring and how , how does that work ?
16 At first , the expansion would be what is called inflationary : that is , the universe would double in size every tiny fraction of a second , just as prices double every year in certain countries .
17 Eventually there would be what is called a phase transition and the symmetry between the forces would be broken : the strong force would become different from the weak and electromagnetic forces .
18 Thus , if the parties did actually turn their minds to the possibility that such things might happen ( e.g. that the goods might perish ) and provided in the contract for that eventuality , then the effect of the event occurring will be whatever is stated in their contract .
19 At the end of the body of the lease prior to the schedules there will be what is known as the testimonium and , while there is in law no necessity for a testimonium , one is almost invariably included .
20 Well he will be he 's gon na be , he is better now than he was cos them antibiotics are working
21 A straw in the wind will be who is appointed to an important new quango that will control university funding , the Scottish Higher Education Funding Council .
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