Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [prep] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 While the publications arising from the project will discuss only this particular region , the results should be of more general relevance for analysing the crisis of many regions on the periphery of the world economy today .
2 If the circulation scheme proposed in ref. 3 is adopted , namely cyclonic flow out of the Labrador Sea eastwards across the North Atlantic , with northward branches into the Irminger Basin and into the Iceland Basin and Rockall Trough , then the water in the Iceland Basin should be of more recent origin than that of the Rockall Trough because it is closer to the source .
3 When the cream is ready , spoon it into glasses , which should be of very small capacity ( 2 to 2 ½ oz. ) but filled to overflowing .
4 Leave enough space between you and the vehicle in front so that you can pull up safely if it slows down or stops suddenly , the safe rule is never to get closer than the overall stopping distance shown below , but on the open road in good conditions leave a gap of one metre for each mile an hour of your speed or a two second time gap may be enough , they will also leave space for an overtaking vehicle pulling or wet or icy or the gap should be at least double that , drop back if you know that taking vehicle closing gap in front of you make way for ambulance , fire engines , police or van emergency vehicles when their blue lamps are flashing or their bells , two tone cones or sirens or .
5 However , the sanction chosen should be real and effective , that is , it should satisfy cumulatively the following three conditions : ( a ) it should be adequate in relation to the damage sustained ( principle of proportionality ) , ( b ) it should have a real deterrent effect on the author of the infringement ( principle of effectiveness ) and ( c ) it should be at least comparable to the sanctions imposed for infringements of national law of similar nature and importance ( principle of non discrimination or of comparability ) .
6 The emphasis should be on quite small units — for both retail and restaurant use .
7 In 1894 T. H. Huxley wrote to the editor of Science-gossip ‘ To any one who respects the English language , I think scientist must be about as pleasing a word as electrocution .
8 I knew I must be of officially dead .
9 The initial conceptual models were developed almost intuitively , based on the idea that , for a College to be self-sufficient , the income received must be at least equal to the cost of providing the further education courses at the required level .
10 In relation to on-exchange transactions the amount of margin demanded must be at least equal to the exchange 's own requirements .
11 If , as I must assume for present purposes , the plaintiffs have a good cause of action in professional negligence against the third party , then it must be at least possible , if not indeed likely , that the damages recoverable by the plaintiffs from the third party would include damages under at least some of these heads .
12 Expensive to maintain ; Fedorov must be at least well-to-do , probably rich .
13 But they must be for ever content to owe to the English that elegance and culture , which , if they had been vigilant and active , perhaps the English might have owed to them . ’
14 Collection of samples must be in perfectly clean glass or plastics bottles , used only for water analysis , and precautions taken to prevent contamination in handling .
15 Particularly in countries where the diet is poor it might be of very considerable significance if the mother can make better milk at some times of the day .
16 At any given age a child might be on quite different levels for difference subjects .
17 Graham started to smile , though he thought the joke itself might be in rather poor taste , but then he was aware of Sara turning quickly , putting her glass on the mantelpiece and looking straight at him , coming closer , her face set in strange hard lines , eyes bright , taking him by the elbow and turning her head as if to emphasise that she was talking to Graham , ignoring Slater , saying , " You do dance , do n't you ? "
18 Although most speakers in British society are also literate , and therefore have the advantage of knowing where /r/ occurs in writing , it is not clear that this is really a big help in flowing conversation , though it might be in very slow speech styles .
19 I 'll be in there alright ?
20 Financial reasons could be of more general importance .
21 Suddenly too , as a kind of tension caught at her , she knew that while , because of her love for Ven , she could be on very shaky ground here , she must be brave , and stay no matter what , and hear him out .
22 ‘ It is not acceptable to have people who require a home confined to long-stay institutions when they could be in more domestic settings .
23 We 'd be on very dangerous ground … to use words like ‘ alien ’ or even draw to children 's attention that our society is a racial mix .
24 You ought to be very careful with living on your own Don you could break an ankle and you 'd be in real serious trouble
25 If conditions did n't improve soon she 'd be in very real danger of getting stuck in the snow — as it was she could n't have said with any real certainty whether she was driving on the road or in a field .
26 I do n't think I 'd be in very good you know , in your good books if I did that ?
27 This information may be of rather general nature , because all DNA cytosine-C 5 methyltransferases are structurally related ( 28 , 34 , 35 ) ; conservation of the active-site ProCys motif also extends to thymidilate synthetase ( 36 ) .
28 Patinkin 's point is that the comparison of positions of static equilibrium , one equilibrium being characterized by a considerably lower price level than the other , may be of very limited practical relevance .
29 This only confirms already-existing customary law ; and inasmuch as it depends on proving an actual intent partially or completely to destroy a particular group , it may be of only limited relevance as a basis for assessing the legality of nuclear possession or use .
30 What personal records there may be of more general ‘ social life ’ have the limitations that their authors are rarely ‘ ordinary ’ people .
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