Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [vb pp] [is] [that] " in BNC.

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1 As far as their usefulness as a measure of performance the conclusion that should be reached is that none is superior as we can only measure performance by comparison .
2 What should be said is that there is still a most definite need for research in some neglected , technical areas , but more particularly in integrating the social and economic factors as they occur in a local situation .
3 All that should be done is that , if that improbable and unlikely event ever takes place , the courts should decline to enforce the clause .
4 What should be remembered is that there exist many things which are both good in themselves and good as an instrument or a means to something else .
5 Answer guide : The important points that should be contained is that these relate to inflows from normal activities .
6 The main reason why I think inductivism should be abandoned is that , compared with rival and more modern approaches , it has increasingly failed to throw new and interesting light on the nature of science , a fact that led Imre Lakatos to describe the programme as a degenerating one .
7 What must be realised is that teachers are rarely confident or certain enough to present themselves as ‘ progressives ’ or ‘ traditionalists ’ .
8 One thing that must be done is that my place must look respectable by 11 a.m. so that if anybody does come in , it looks tidy .
9 In considering these figures it must be noted is that while the completion rates recorded for SEs in the 25 degree courses in the 5 institutions studied may well reflect overall completion rates for all SEs in these institutions , there is no evidence on this point , and Johnes and Taylor ( 1989 ) report considerably higher completion rates for the two universities involved in their study of the 1980 entry cohort ( Bradford 84% and Leeds 89.1 % ) .
10 What must be recognized is that in approaching different collections , different users at different periods in time will place varying requirements on a scheme , both in terms of the subjects that should be included and also in terms of the relationships that need to be shown .
11 Mr Penna told the inquest : ‘ A fact which obviously must be considered is that the deceased by any standards had consumed quite a lot of alcohol . ’
12 What might be said is that the ethical connotation of the method of action he proposed was being made clear by the choice of satyāgraha rather than sadāgraha .
13 A further point which might be made is that the concise , fluent format of the interviewer 's questions is very unlike the format of normal conversation , where false starts , hesitations and ambiguities are the norm ( Schegloff 1979 ) .
14 This book is not the place to undertake such a task ; but one comment that might be made is that an initial distinction between class and status is likely to be important ; for it is the evaluative rather than the economic dimension of stratification which seems to be relevant to linguistic variation .
15 What might be forgotten is that Land had spent years in the laboratory perfecting the polarization process , schooling his scientific and inventive abilities , practising and repeating , learning his craft .
16 One way in which the pattern of results might be described is that in each case the exemplars which accorded most closely to the subjects ’ expectations were recognized best .
17 A third objection which could be raised is that it would be undesirable if the suggested approach were to be applied to certain types of jurisdictional error .
18 What could be said is that the same moral demands apply to the means as to the ends in the quest for Truth , and that often difficulties arise because of these demands .
19 The first thing that may be noted is that the contrast between different parts of Fig. 21.18 provides immediate evidence for marked organization of the structures ( the point that was illustrated in the case of a wake by Fig. 21.9 ) .
20 A break with this doctrine was made by the Divorce Reform Act 1969 , now replaced by the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 , as amended in 1984 , and the present position is that the sole ground on which a petition for divorce may be presented is that the marriage has broken down irretrievably .
21 The main criterion by which all these forms of pedogenic modification may be distinguished is that they affect all parts of the bones and teeth more or less equally , so that the whole of the surface is altered , not just small parts of it .
22 For the present , all that need be noticed is that the purpose of Alexander 's letter was to convey a distinct papal command to Lanfranc that the monastic community in his cathedral church was to be preserved .
23 All that need be proved is that the matter is of a certain type and the manner of presentation patently offensive .
24 The fundamental issue behind the arguments that will be heard is that the nuns are not permitted to see the results of the Ministry of Agriculture tests confirming the presence of infection .
25 The view that will be taken is that it does matter very much , although not quite in the way in which previous writers about environmental doom have envisaged .
26 One of the problems that will be encountered is that we may find words which are obviously complex but which , when we divide them into stem + affix , turn out to have a stem that it is difficult to imagine is an English word .
27 A second objection that will be brought is that it is odd to treat another as a rational being , in the Kantian sense , in erotic relations , of all places .
28 The best that can be hoped is that the Senate and the House will agree on amendments to the law which will remove the gimmicks and inject more discipline into the process .
29 What can be seen is that the attempt to correlate black youth and crime is a latent but definite element in the law and order debate .
30 The most that can be done is that B may allow C to use his name to claim the money .
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