Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [verb] what it " in BNC.

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1 Ask it to do more than it can and it may not do what it should .
2 Something about it was slightly different today , but he could not decide what it was
3 There was something wrong about her scheme but she could not clarify what it was .
4 I could not think what it was that could be for me and yet so heavy .
5 Rain could not think what it was Fitzgerald had done that Sabine Jourdain later copied , but regardless of that she spurred him on : ‘ Yes . ’
6 The household unit of production , though headed by male weaver or other out-worker , was not governed by the object of accumulating a monetary surplus : " It could not maximise what it could not measure . "
7 i.7.12 ) that ‘ it would be monstrous if the people could not do what it wanted ’ .
8 He was sure that the girl had something to hide , something that was embarrassing rather than incriminating , but he could not imagine what it was .
9 In the shadow between the houses Owen could not see what it was but when they came up to it he saw that it was a man .
10 She said something — Emmie could not hear what it was .
11 Maisie was screaming something , but he could not hear what it was .
12 It was as if he was looking for something so ill-defined , so vaguely comprehended that even he could not say what it was .
13 The right hemisphere of his brain could not articulate what it registered .
14 Robert 's real worry was that he could not understand what it was that had caused offence .
15 All the same , he had a feeling of guilt as if he had been accused of something in the middle of a bad dream and , waking , could not remember what it was .
16 Something about it was slightly different today , but he could n't decide what it was .
17 He shouted something , though he could n't tell what it was .
18 And they , then the other ones er there was one with General Motors and it was a , a huge thing , you were ten , it was a huge building , modern building but you just could n't tell what it was from the outside .
19 There was something about it that seemed different , but he could n't tell what it was .
20 No doubt there was an answer to that , too , but he could n't think what it was .
21 No real reason , I just could n't remember and it was er annoying me cos I could n't think what it was .
22 and she could n't think what it was and she got a as well , she says er have you eaten any fruit or tomatoes or any , oh she said tomatoes she says did you wash them ?
23 I could n't think what it was and me erm
24 But the gabble was such that the child could n't distinguish what it was they wanted , until the old woman cried , ‘ No candy rock today ! 'T IS all gone , all gone , ’ at which , one after the other , the children , as if at a signal , stopped gabbling and took up the chant : ‘ Raggie Aggie !
25 ‘ I could n't understand what it had to do with the law .
26 I know it 's very stupid of me , but I could n't understand what it was supposed to be about at all .
27 There was just something about Luke Calder that seemed to affect her , although for the life of her she could n't understand what it was .
28 And they started that and they were sent out to this big villa and er that was the first time I had seen a continental headboard and er we could n't understand what it was you know .
29 The Director could n't ask what it was , not without implicating himself if it went wrong .
30 The track felt soft and slithery but in the dark she could n't see what it was she was stepping on .
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