Example sentences of "[modal v] [not/n't] [vb infin] but [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life ’ ( John 3.16 ) .
2 That whosoever believeth in him , should not perish but have everlasting life .
3 John wrote these words : ‘ God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son , so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life . ’
4 He did NOT write these words : ‘ God loved the brainy people and attractive people in the world so much that he gave his only Son , so that anyone with 8 GCSEs , 3 A-Levels and loads of friends may not die but have eternal life ’ ! !
5 I could not sleep but lay on my back staring at the blackness , listening to the wind and one of the lads snoring .
6 Consider Richard Hooker 's declaration : ‘ God hath his influence into the very essence of all things , without which influence of Deity supporting them their utter annihilation could not choose but follow ’ ( Laws , ii .
7 And he could not choose but love him .
8 Cadfael could not choose but feel some sympathy for one whose dubious but daring enterprise had come full circle , and now threatened him with disgrace and punishment ; all the more as Cadfael himself had just been spared a possibly similar exposure .
9 Among those who could not attend but said they agreed with the aims of the delegation were Owen Jones and Bellamy .
10 But she still could not help but stare and think about that crumpled dream on the table .
11 Herod could not help but respect John , even as he picked on him .
12 Still , Laguna Chica itself was so beautiful in its tranquillity that my heart could not help but lift .
13 She lost all awareness of time and place , sinking into a realm of the senses where she could not help but bring her hand up to run her fingers into his hair to hold his mouth to hers as she returned his kiss .
14 ‘ Forgive me , Lady Theodosia , but I could not help but overhear something of what has transpired in this room . ’
15 ‘ We are nearly home , ’ said Finn and Melanie suddenly could not help but sob .
16 Such a blueprint could not help but postpone indefinitely important questions facing the integrative bodies already in existence .
17 I could not help but remember myself , another pretty fair-haired boy , who also wanted his own way at that age , and how I wound Uncle Bill 's heart round my little finger and was perhaps responsible for the tragedy caused by a savagely jealous dog .
18 Major Tzann could not help but pick up on the missing contriteness .
19 A sequence when Custer attacks an Indian village could not help but stir vivid memories of the My Lai massacre and the photos of Vietnamese on fire that were seen in all the newspapers and on television during that dark period in America 's history .
20 Still , one could not help but feel that with Last Supper Frank had sold himself short .
21 In spite of her grief at being parted from her cousins , she could not help but feel excited .
22 But in this moment of confrontation , knowing that Ray Doyle would pull through , Bodie could not help but feel a touch of pity for the girl .
23 This remark she delivered with the immense complacency of the wise virgin ; Clara could not help but feel that having men in only when things went wrong was not as wildly eccentric as her mother supposed , but as she knew no other way , no other world , she could not be sure .
24 Alix was not sufficiently numerate to be able to calculate the odds against such an apparently odd relationship , though she could not help but feel that its component , accidental parts were startlingly combined .
25 One must remember that Milton is also human and , like the reader , could not help but feel for Satan as an expression of a part of himself which was let loose in his writings .
26 They took coffee in a smart hotel and , looking at the relaxed Czechoslovakian , Fabia could not help but feel proud to be with him .
27 The political crisis which vastly increased its recruitment could not help but give it an unusual character .
28 So even without intending to the nurse could not help but give out signals Chesarynth could read : the heavier exhalation , the pale tightness round the lips .
29 ‘ A silly waste of 'ard-earned brass , ’ Jonadab asserted and George could not help but agree .
30 ‘ A chance in a million , ’ he was saying and Lee could not help but agree with him .
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