Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] is [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What we in Britain must do is encourage success at every level …
2 One thing that you should avoid is to give toy horns out at tea and then find the poor entertainer is facing a barrage of noise .
3 you know , you just want to sit back and er as far as I would think is to keep calm and say well I , I am right , you know , erm but without being too forceful in that way because then that would put them off
4 ‘ Well , after my travails upon this sad world are done , the last thing I would want is to view eternity from the inside of a bottle . ’
5 The final measure of interest rate that we will consider is called dispersion .
6 Other than that the only advice I can give is to get hold of the Torygraph , from Wednesday 5th .
7 What it can do is to stimulate interest and encourage teachers to think about the implications of their practices .
8 He invented the policeman as national hero , a notion which is conservative and deeply perverse ; it implies the best a society can do is to resist disorder .
9 What this operation can do is to cause havoc with a women 's sexuality , often provoking the very opposite to what was intended .
10 What the court can do is to withhold consent to treatment of which it disapproves and it can express its approval of other treatment proposed by the authority and its doctors . ’
11 But what we certainly can do is take note of what you 've said , and ensure that we get it together for you to be consulted before we take decisions next year .
12 The best that a practitioner can do is to have regard to the sort of multiplier which has in the past been adopted by judges in similar circumstances to those with which he is concerned .
13 All they can do is set trend targets and reward or penalize according to the degree to which they are met .
14 Not everyone is going to be interested — if you 're a bank , the most you can do is recycle paper . ’
15 The newest method of converting hand movements to signals the computer can understand is called Trickstick .
16 Another investigation you can try is to destroy part of a web and then watch the spider repair it .
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