Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] on [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Th that should carry on but them , them batteries is n't any good .
2 Depending on how they feel the first time , they may carry on if they enjoy it or if it seems to block out other worries and problems .
3 They 'll keep on if they can .
4 And you can do sometimes because some of the sub-contractors you 'll come on , they 'll come on and they 'll act more or less like your own labour on some sites .
5 ‘ My protest will go on until they change their minds .
6 Anyone can stay on if they want ca n't they ?
7 I know in the recession of lot of parents have been forced to do just that , but it was always going to be a last resort and thankfully this winter 's tour means they can stay on where they are .
8 supervision and they 're used until the head of the femur right , the head of the femur is fixed back into the socket joint and the muscles and ligaments have tightened up so that they hold the bone in place and treatment can go on until they 're about a year the consequences of not treating this condition are quite severe , the child will grow up with a very odd gait .
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