Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] make [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well it 's harder than you may think to make a copy of your dick .
2 We may want to make a dash straight back to Olbia so that we can catch the first ferry across in the morning . ’
3 We may want to make the point that if we are to be committed to doing something about the global warming of the ozone layer then we will need to say when we will do it by .
4 The seller may seek to make the buyer liable to indemnify him or her in perpetuity , thereby placing the buyer in the same invidious position of the original lessee , who remains liable for the whole of the term of the lease to whomever it may have passed .
5 Very often the bereaved will not come to find us , but we may need to make the approach to them .
6 I should want to make the case for arguing that power is as integral a component of all social interaction as norms are .
7 She must 've made a mistake — Marie said she 'd write to me .
8 The product market ought , therefore , to stimulate management efficiency : if managers are to keep their jobs they must strive to make the company as profitable as possible .
9 The lesser personalities — Clive , Anders , Amelia — were completely absorbed , gone forever unless he should choose to make the effort to reassemble them .
10 Miss Harker was n't just baffled , she was incensed that this chit of a girl should dare to make a fool of her in front of the whole class , but she managed to smother up her rage in tones of exasperated concern .
11 I should like to make a couple of points about the Bill 's two substantive provisions before turning to its hidden agenda .
12 ‘ Well , ’ said Dyson , chewing hard , ‘ 1 must admit that I should like to make a name for myself , just for its own sake . ’
13 Therefore , I should like to make a suggestion , which I know will be regarded as special pleading .
14 With permission , Mr. Speaker , I should like to make a statement on public expenditure in Scotland .
15 With permission , Mr. Speaker , I should like to make a statement on the European Council in Maastricht which I attended with my right hon. Friends the Foreign Secretary and the Chancellor of the Exchequer .
16 With permission , Mr. Speaker , I should like to make a statement about the Government 's legislative intentions , following the consultation on the Green Paper ’ Industrial Relations in the 1990s ’ , which was published in July last year .
17 With permission , Mr. Speaker , I should like to make a statement about President Yeltsin 's visit to London on 30 January and about the special meeting of the UN Security Council in New York on 31 January .
18 ‘ Accepting — if I am to consent , I should like to make a condition or two — ‘
19 Any feelings of strain will inevitably show up in your voice , so you should try to make the recording set-up as comfortable and convenient as you can .
20 Then the Brownies realised what terrible danger would lie in wait for the pilot of the plane if he should try to make an emergency landing on the wide , green , treeless tract of the swamp , which looked like solid ground but was n't .
21 I was glad of this ; I should have made every effort to see to her comfort in the cottage but I could imagine the thunderous impact that Préfleur would have on her .
22 Alison believes the letter should have been sent to the person who caused the crash and the local authority should have made every effort to see this was done .
23 A solicitor for the Robinson family said that the staff at the hospital should have made a call to the Southern General .
24 Jacques Tati should have made a film here .
25 He should have made a point of looking at the evening coverage before doing his own piece ; but he 'd seen the people they 'd sent to the press conference at the hospital , dismissed them as unlikely to do a decent job on it , and promptly forgotten them .
26 I should have made a point of following up his sickness , thought Cadfael , touched , but I thought he , of all people , would make good sure he got all the treatment he needed .
27 It is astonishing that he should have made a riposte about housing benefit being available to the poor for housing costs and to have given the impression that he was in favour of housing benefit .
28 I should have made a list .
29 The Government should have made a statement on the way in which the police national computer operates ; it should not have been necessary for me or the National Council for Civil Liberties to prise information from them .
30 Threat to insurers AS THE £1.1bn takeover bid by Australian Mutual Provident , Australia 's largest life insurer , gets underway for the Pearl Group , a new survey suggests that perhaps the Australians should have made a bid for a building society .
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