Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] that [pron] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 They may think that their jobs will be less secure , that they might lose the independence that they previously enjoyed , that their relationships with others will change for the worse and they might lose status , they may think the change unnecessary and they may simply fear change in itself .
2 The House may think that my views are already well known .
3 Some governing bodies may consider that their needs at both levels presently are satisfied or that they have advised us of their requirements .
4 She may know that her tears will relieve her tension more effectively than shouting back or pretending not to notice , or they may be tears of anger rather than the vulnerability so despised by her colleagues .
5 He also must know that my ships from Denmark might arrive at any moment .
6 In return she should ensure that her mechanisms for protecting research and education are robust enough to enable London 's hospitals to operate fairly within the internal market .
7 Editors and journalists employed on journals published by these organisations are therefore at great financial risk , and should ensure that their contracts of employment indemnify them against costs and damages which may accrue from libel actions , which are often brought by opponents of their employer 's policies .
8 Where it employs professional musicians full- or part-time it should ensure that their salaries take account of their training and qualifications as well as of the time and contribution which they are expected to give to the worship .
9 Family health service authorities should ensure that their arguments are backed up with research evidence when negotiating contracts with regional health authorities and in discussions with the Department of Health .
10 Every new partner should ensure that his terms of partnership are reduced to writing .
11 Advice , education and training were seen as important aids in the future of the industry and the ATB must ensure that its services are available to those in the more remote , as well as in the favoured , farming areas .
12 In coming to a decision the tribunal is bound by decisions of the Employment Appeal Tribunal and must ensure that its decisions take full account of the cases presented to them and any others that are relevant .
13 To satisfy the requirements for authorisation , LIFFE must ensure that its rules and market practices are such that business is conducted in an orderly manner and affords proper protection to investors .
14 In short , those who are critical of the private sector must ensure that their facts are correct .
15 We must ensure that our students leave school functionally literate for a complex competitive economy .
16 ‘ We must ensure that our children 's generation is not the first to do worse than their parents .
17 It seems there is an impression that the Co-op is , if not exactly a charity , is certainly some kind of philanthropic organization , so it must follow that their funerals are cheaper .
18 Anthropology has been prominent in showing how the marginal in any society tends to pose problems for state institutions and governments ; and the insider must anticipate that his conclusions might well be
19 She must appreciate that her certainties are only temporary , her finalities provisional .
20 He should admit that his efforts have supplied few of the first 999 floors .
21 In these matters we were often able to avoid costly mistakes being made , and on other occasions improve the operational efficiency of our craft with advice on training and equipment , although I must admit that our requirements seldom matched the amount of money available .
22 The majority of contemporary social anthropologists regards the distinction between " primitive " man and man in general as anachronistic and untenable , yet to the newcomer it must seem that their methods of research and the themes to which they devote most of their attention take this distinction for granted .
23 We should say that their thoughts are captured by salient information where they should be centrally directed , inhibited and co-ordinated .
24 If we were to look at the balance sheets of these other banks , we should find that their customers ' deposits had increased and that this increase was matched on the asset side by an increase in their operational balances at the Bank of England .
25 It is in this context that minorities who may feel that their causes are not adequately represented in Parliament wish to use their freedom of protest to draw attention to their plight .
26 Conversely , supervisors may feel that their contributions to published papers are undervalued if their citation frequencies do not reflect their influence on research programmes .
27 " We had already acted on the letter by meeting the cheque , and you may feel that my fears came rather late in the day .
28 Some of her family and friends who knew that her marriage was unsuccessful may assume that her feelings about her husband 's death could only be those of relief that their life together is over at last and that she is now free to seek a better future for herself ; not realising that if a woman has lived with a man for many years , unless he has treated her with extreme cruelty , and shown her no love at all throughout the whole of their marriage , some kind of bond is bound to have existed between them , and that even if he left her with only a handful of good memories of times they spent together , it is likely that she may want to hold on to them , cherish them , and even build upon them .
29 You may sense that your words are tumbling out into a kind of void .
30 Then , perhaps , you 'll see that our sunrises are as spectacular as our sunsets .
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