Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [that] it has " in BNC.

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1 I have consulted the most celebrated authors on comparative anatomy , but do not find any such structures of those parts described ; and as it is not known to you , I may presume that it has not been before taken notice of .
2 But if an incident has occurred involving violence or which leads to a soured atmosphere at work , management may consider that it has little option but to take action .
3 The family must demonstrate that it has the capacity to work with its conscious or unconscious feelings of threat from blacks .
4 If an open fire is to be used , you should see that it has a good fire-guard .
5 If we feel sorry for the dying cat that can not understand what is happening to it , we should remember that it has one enormous advantage over us : it has no fear of death , which is something we humans must all carry with us throughout our long lives .
6 As the Daily Express noted : ‘ Much as I disliked this film and its cheap exploitation of suffering and illness , I must concede that it has been made with the dead-on professionalism that is characteristic of the other ‘ Carry Ons . ’ ’
7 Digital technology has introduced ( or perhaps I should say that it has reintroduced , for the first time since the establishment and dominance of printing ) the unstable , or infinitely variable , text .
8 For example , if a school has attempted to improve its image in the neighbourhood it may feel that it has been successful if the number selecting the school for the following academic year increases .
9 But you 'll understand that it has to be a sort of business chat . "
10 If you read the report at paragraph seventy , you 'll see that it has an investment value in the region of eight million pounds , it 's only worth forty million if you kill all the tenants overnight , which is rather drastic , vacant possession in other words .
11 Now , you 'll see that it has a tendency to go all over the world wherever it is invited but whoever invites the World Council of Churches now must , in fact , be able to cope with a great number of people !
12 When you visit your local Beefeater , you 'll discover that it has its own individual style and character with tasteful decor , comfortable furnishings and a relaxing atmosphere .
13 The realignment of exchange rates discussed above might suggest that it has not been very successful in promoting greater exchange rate stability .
14 The fact that PRCS has such a large client base might suggest that it has discovered some magic formula , but Murphy insists the principles of good PR are quite simple .
15 Those who forget the virtues of solidarity in order to protest against the downgrading of individual agency might recall that it has been intellectuals who have been most prone to inflate the significance of individuals — particularly intellectuals — to the same degree that their theories propose universal categories and claim universal effects .
16 A third party may claim that it has a direct interest in the actions of States or it may accept that its interest is indirect or peripheral .
17 A third State may claim that it has become associated with a treaty through acceptance or approval .
18 A third party may claim that treaty rights have been assigned to it , or a party may claim that it has made an assignment and is thus discharged from that particular responsibility under the agreement .
19 It is highly doubtful that any offshore centre could claim that it has never been tainted by drugs money .
20 As to whether it has also increased proportionally is a matter that could only be determined empirically , although one could surmise that it has so increased .
21 A third party may assert that it has more than a mere interest in a certain subject , since it has a legal right81 in the subject matter of the dispute , or a right granted under a treaty between the parties .
22 Moreover , if we explore the course of English Literature , if we consider from what source its stream has sprung , by what tributaries it has been fed , and with how rich and full current it has come down to us , we shall see that it has other advantages not to be found elsewhere .
23 They would see that it has inherited the cruel and violent tendencies inherent in the origins it shares with Judaism .
24 If I wished to be cruel about the discussion this far , I would suggest that it has the evasive character of much comparative writing .
25 I would suggest that it has done rather more than just reveal them .
26 The European Central Bank is absolutely necessary and we shall concede that it has to be politically autonomous to reassure the Germans ’ .
27 With Windows NT still a gleam in Bill Gates ' eye , OS/2 2.0 can lay claim to the goodness high ground , and it is difficult to see what more IBM could have done to make it electable — its erstwhile friends would say that it has cynically ditched all its principles — of closed systems , tight central control , the whole ‘ nanny knows best and you 'd better believe it ’ ethos that served the company so well for so long , and led to a string of successes at the ballot box in the 1960s and 1970s .
28 If I was asked what I felt characterised the walking around Wensleydale , I would say that it has all the expanse and sweep of the bigger dales like Wharfedale but that it also has jewels of villages like West Burton and Askrigg and the fine falls of Hardraw and Aysgarth .
29 Education has not been immune from this process , and some would argue that it has helped to create new social divisions .
30 But if there is a distinctive female verbal culture — and here we need to bear in mind that women themselves are not a homogeneous group — I would argue that it has been shaped by patriarchal conditions , including the restrictions placed on women 's lives and words .
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