Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [det] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Though it is often suggested that Metastrongylus may transmit some of the porcine viruses , and may enhance the effect of viruses already present in the lungs , the role of the worm is not conclusively proven .
2 During the pregnancy certain problems may arise such as the decrease in income due to the loss of work or interference of exams , how difficult could it become , raising a child with little financial support ?
3 If Zbo did rescue some of the earlier work , that may explain some of the muddle about the authenticated chronology of Modigliani 's work .
4 More accurate measurement of the risk factors may explain some of the remaining differences in sickness absence but other factors , as yet unrecognised , are likely to be important .
5 Figure 16–3 implies that cutting income tax rates may eliminate some of the deadweight burden of distortionary taxation , but governments should probably expect their tax revenue to decline if such policies are put into effect .
6 Cabomba ( Cabomba Caroliniana ) In the aquarium Cabomba can reach 24″ in height , although it may double this in the wild .
7 Easy Doncaster winner Forest Tiger is expected to consolidate his 2,000 Guineas claims in the Craven Stakes ( 3.40 ) and Jack Berry 's Heather Bank may make all in the Ladbrokes Boldboy Sprint Handicap ( 4.10 ) .
8 We may contrast these with the broadening , expansive effect of the long vowels and monosyllables in " enormous dome of the sky " ( 3 ) .
9 The outdoor sand pit may include many of the activities already described and is dealt with more fully in chapter 9 Outdoor Activities .
10 The stress of being a ‘ social outcast ’ may outweigh some of the benefits of a totally pure , wholefood diet , so it is often necessary come to a compromise over such matters , as Owen 's parents decided to do .
11 Where the original text exploits typographical variety , a text reproduced in one type-face may lack some of the quality of the original .
12 They may know each of the 17 episodes off by heart , but The Prisoner is a television series like no other .
13 While women party followers may know little about the history of Nazi Germany , they certainly regard Hitler as a hero and Mein Kampf is available in the bookshop of the largest middle-class shopping centre of San Salvador .
14 A mineworker may have a valuable view of the effect of the General Strike on his pit , and in his town , but may know little of the broader picture .
15 Under pressure to clear up the confusion surrounding the direction of its Distributed Management Environment , Open Software Foundation DME technology manager Kathryn De Nitto says the group will make a statement within two weeks which should answer some of the questions on many lips .
16 Under pressure to clear up the confusion surrounding the direction of its Distributed Management Environment , Open Software Foundation DME technology manager Kathryn De Nitto says the group will make a statement within two weeks which should answer some of the questions on many lips .
17 ( You should compare these with the views of other writers described in the rest of this chapter . )
18 We must Adapt this to the continuing changes in educational standards to meet the requirements of both Students , Educationalists and Governmental bodies .
19 We should broadcast more of the Select Committees — for example , the hearings looking at coal and energy policy and examining the economy , … the possibility of hearing the Chancellor cross-questioned by the finance committee is the essence of public service broadcasting .
20 Effective anthelmintic therapy of ewes during the fourth month of pregnancy should eliminate most of the worm burdens present at this time including arrested larval stages and in the case of ewes on extensive grazing , where nutritional status is frequently low , this treatment often results in improved general body condition .
21 Some would be quite funny I should think some of the comments we 're making !
22 16.34 The texts used should include some of the following : guide books , consumer reports , text books , sets of instructions and manuals , stage directions , brochures , forms , contracts , information leaflets from a variety of sources , the highway code , publicity materials , newspapers and magazines , dictionaries , thesauruses , atlases , and encyclopaedias .
23 You should hang that on the .
24 Since this is an assumption taken for granted by a good deal of modern criticism , we should consider some of the objections that can be made against the New Critics ' arguments in its favour .
25 In addition , the new version of the model must include all of the states which were included in the old version ( ie. states can not be deleted ) , otherwise module instances would be left in limbo .
26 You can use OSCLI for deleting a file whose name is a constant , but you must include all of the command line — in quotes this time .
27 Apart from crude measures of test and exam results , schools have no equivalent ; appraisal of what happens in classrooms must include some of the quality-control functions .
28 If your parent 's pension or benefits are reduced and she is worried because she has rent , mortgages , or other commitments to meet , special allowances can be given in the form of supplementary benefit , and you should discuss this with the hospital 's Medical Social Worker or the Enquiry Clerk at the Department of Health and Social Security .
29 It 's ironic that events up the A19 should steal some of the thunder from Ayresome Park , home of the North-East 's team of the season .
30 Mr Taylor must shoulder much of the blame .
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