Example sentences of "[modal v] [vb infin] [art] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Patients with coeliac disease or Crohn 's disease have an abnormally alkaline jejunal microenvironment , which may explain the frequently observed malabsorption of folic acid and other nutrients in these patients .
2 Try to remain aware of the factors which may make a newly admitted patient anxious .
3 As part of these guidelines Amnesty ‘ must remain a broadly based and self-supporting organization ’ .
4 But I ca n't prevent myself thinking that the person who is to play Claudia should possess a clearly defined personality of her own .
5 Everyone in an organization should have a clearly defined role .
6 ‘ A revolutionary socialist newspaper should exist for a specific purpose ; it should have a clearly defined perspective ’ , wrote Tariq Ali ominously in the anniversary editorial .
7 In the auction room discretion must be used in bidding and the developer must have a clearly defined policy if the price exceeds the value calculated : he should either withdraw or bid only a marginal percentage above the calculated value .
8 Please sell as many books of tickets as possible , more are available from the Office — RING HILDA NOW — We must raise the much needed funds to complete this year 's programme and YOU OR ONE OF YOUR CLASS MEMBERS COULD BE A LUCKY WINNER .
9 Some might think a little delayed public spending on roads would not have been a bad idea at that time .
10 The Americans have begun to see Ukraine as an interloper threatening the post-cold-war world order , above all by its reluctance to ratify nuclear-arms treaties , which might unravel the carefully negotiated global web of arms-control accords .
11 Local health authorities were to provide residential accommodation , training , guardianship , mental welfare officers and any other services that might benefit the mentally disordered in the community .
12 If , if you look in your books page one seven seven , you 'll see a beautifully illustrated instruction on how to do it , which you can refer to yourself this evening or later on in the course if you forget but I 'm now gon na show you how to do one as well , you , if you want to know it 's there for you to look up you take the bandage and fold it into your narrow fold band and put it round your leg , you 've got something to tie a reef knot round , okay ? if you know how to do a reef knot already fine , just do it , if you do n't , follow instructions .
13 The revolutionary ‘ heat up ’ technology means all you have to do is press a button and fifteen minutes later you 'll have a perfectly warmed bottle .
14 In a planners ideal world where we might have a wholly directed economy competition would not be relevant but I 'm afraid the reality is we have to compete in North Yorkshire with other counties in er this region and with other regions in Britain with other countries in the European Union and with other countries in the world .
15 ‘ They 'll hold a properly hit shot , but they 'll be quick enough to test even the Swede , and they 'll put the wind up some of ‘ em . ’
16 Doctors could buy the much needed equipment , they would n't have to work such long hours , there would be no need to close down wards , aye or even hospitals .
17 The belief that political equality was attained by the establishment of universal suffrage was based on the assumption , mentioned earlier , that governments were indeed sovereign over society , and that ultimately nothing could prevent a popularly elected government from carrying out its mandate .
18 A properly set uniform emission fee that charged a given sum for each unit ( say , 1 tonne ) of pollutant emitted , for example , could achieve a collectively established level of air quality at the least total control cost to society ( Krier and Ursin , 1977 ) .
19 He was speaking to someone and beyond them I could see a brightly lit room with vast chandeliers and women in white dresses .
20 Such then was the power of the immune system that it could suppress an inadvertently transplanted cancer .
21 Eventually he was backed by an extraordinary meeting of every party member , but not before he 'd become the best known candidate in the country .
22 The corny raucousness which ensued of course meant that the television volume had to be turned up to window-shaking levels so that the happy couple could savour the exquisitely enunciated phrasing of Arnold Schwarzenegger 's lines over the noise of their munching .
23 This emphasized the extent to which the sheer unpredictability and perversity of a nuclear power station operator could bypass the best laid computer models .
24 The combination of the two learning processes could produce a sharply peaked preference for something a bit different from the familiar when other things are equal .
25 You can interpret it in any way you like — it could mean the best groomed , it could refer to canine coats , attractive collars and leads .
26 Sherfey suggests that ‘ women may possess a biologically determined , inordinately high , cyclic sexual drive ’ ( 1970 : 251 ) whose suppression is the condition for western social organization .
27 This contrast may be more apparent than real , however , for new technologies of birth and reproduction may alter the biologically given so as to make possible a changed perspective that would have been inconceivable in the past .
28 A typical pack will have a capacity of 500 mAH which , in a collective pitch model employing five servos and a gyro , may have a fully charged life of only 20–25 minutes and certainly no more than 1 hour .
29 A hastily put together collection of components booklets may indicate a hastily put together machine .
30 Documentation that describes the system from a technical point of view may indicate a technically orientated supplier who may find it difficult to appreciate the needs of his users .
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