Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] from that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For several decades Britain 's policy had been splendid isolation , and that Europe 's most powerful nation should emerge from that isolation by concluding an alliance with Japan was seen in Japan as a triumph .
2 None of these religions has satisfied its real purpose , which is to provide fully acceptable and uncontentious guidance in human discrimination between right and wrong , and in the behaviour that should stem from that discrimination .
3 And if , in special circumstances , compliance with a provision of the Schedules would be inconsistent with the requirement to give a true and fair view the directors must depart from that provision to the extent necessary , giving , in a note to the accounts , particulars of the departure and the reasons for , and effect of , it .
4 And yet it will have to accept , indeed will have to foster , the pride and professionalism of its specialists — if only because , in the absence of opportunities to move into middle management , their motivation must come from that pride and professionalism .
5 degree of light I should say from that street lighting , but not an awful lot .
6 Instead his working life has been devoted , as one might expect from that neck of the woods , to the shoe trade , helping build up the family firm into a multinational concern .
7 Instead his working life has been devoted , as one might expect from that neck of the woods , to the shoe trade , helping build up the family firm into a multinational concern .
8 to foresee the targets that might benefit from that information ( or , as importantly , that on receipt of that information might benefit the Garden )
9 Avenues may emerge from that enquiry .
10 In winter 1980–81 a Western specialist on South Asia , Selig Harrison , suggested that a formula involving the emergence of a provisional government in Afghanistan might win Soviet acceptance if could provide for arrangements under which Moscow could withdraw from that country in a phased fashion over several years and if the new Afghan government could return to the pre-1973 Soviet-tilted brand of neutralism .
11 It is said that it would be wrong that the justices should be put in a position of making an order on the merits of the case that there should be no contact , when the next day the local authority and the parent could depart from that order .
12 But I tell you this — even if the corpse is not James 's , Surrey himself assured me that no royal personage could escape from that battle .
13 Searching through her mind the only emotions she could recreate from that time were a dizzying pleasure that someone as sophisticated , cosmopolitan , successful and confident as Doctor Anthony Gillingham should appear to want anyone as dull and provincial as she had been and a kind of a triumph that she could present Comfort with Anthony 's declaration of love .
14 Daikin said he had indications from ‘ people involved in making a better South Africa ’ that ‘ if the tour were not to take place there are certain advantages that may flow from that decision , a highly attractive package for young South Africans of the future that involves more than cricket ’ .
15 ‘ That 's the way it used to be ’ , Murphy says , ‘ and we ought to start from that premise ’ .
16 And buy a sheep and come home with it and that over the bridge with it , all along and along er that road there and th and when we used to come from that school in , he used to be coming with a sheep on the string like this and the poor thing , I used to look at the old sheep and he often used to be tired you see .
17 And that would be then a matter for the county to determine how they would proceed from that point .
18 The Companies Act 1985 , as amended ( ‘ the Act' ) provides , both for individual company accounts and for group accounts , that if in special circumstances compliance with any of the provisions of the Act as to the matters to be included in a company 's accounts ( or notes thereto ) is inconsistent with the requirement to give a true and fair view of the state of affairs and profit or loss , the directors shall depart from that provision to the extent necessary to give a true and fair view .
19 In any case , no one would come from that direction .
20 Many would suffer from that change .
21 Many of you wanted to have a follow-up to the successful day on working with the elderly held earlier this year , and we have therefore asked , who some of you will remember from that day , to give specific tips on how to ‘ handle ’ elderly people ; has also agreed to share some of her knowledge and experience with us later in the year .
22 You will gather from that thumbnail sketch , Mr. Speaker , that my constituents have had no problem in following my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister 's recent exhortations to create a classless society .
23 The tax falls due 14 days after the end of the month in which the transaction is effected ( as provided by para 6A , Sch 3 , TA 1988 ) , and interest will accrue from that date until payment is made .
24 With so many people who may eventually receive the training to prescribe , we can imagine the advantages that patients will derive from that training and delivery .
25 I 'm actually also hoping to get , someone who was erm concerned at the campaign to come to the meeting , cos I think it would be very useful to have someone who 's been through it and to say how , how they tackled it , so I think it should an interesting meeting , hopefully we 'll get a few , you know interesting people to come along and we can spend from that meeting campaign .
26 Well , as you can see from that slide , a much better first half with four of our , four out of six of our businesses getting brownie points , especially newspapers and the merchant banking .
27 We can see from that table that even on unconstrained land , we are talking about a difference of point one nine percent of land take .
28 If Mellor can learn from that experience sufficiently to bring some soundly-constructed strategy to the review of the BBC 's charter in 1996 , then Major will have succeeded in the introduction of some long-termism , at least some medium-termism , in two areas that badly need it .
29 The report into the East Midlands Electricity Company , in the light of the severe storms of 1990 , has been made widely available so that other electricity companies can learn from that experience .
30 Like the modern marriage the facility exists for a contract to be formed and so too steam can learn from that lesson .
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