Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] he [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Tell him that you have decided to wage unrestricted war ; that , from this moment on , he is fair game ; that you may attack him without warning at any time ; that he will be at risk whenever he is in or near the school or club where the bullying takes place .
2 And Jesus , in his conversation with the Samaritan woman who asked him where true worship happened , answered that " God is spirit and they who worship him must worship him in spirit and truth , " for " the time will come when neither here nor in Jerusalem will men worship " .
3 Perhaps , thought Robert , I should sentence him to death .
4 This time they must send him to prison .
5 Prime Minister Mahathir on Dec. 28 , 1989 , advised UMNO ( Baru ) that Deputy Prime Minister Abdul Ghafar Baba should succeed him as leader of the party and of the government .
6 Sergius III had an illegitimate son whom he arranged should succeed him as pope .
7 so it should keep him in order
8 He suggested that Joan should meet him in Belfast .
9 We may find that the writer was completely biased in his views and that he falsified his evidence , in which case he is a perjurer and we should hold him in contempt .
10 She wondered if she should tell him about Amy 's having been a nurse .
11 Rory told Jessica about his girlfriend Rosie , not a great deal but nothing too disloyal , while she for her part realised after some moments that she was not listening with more than half an ear , but wondering what she should tell him about Parr .
12 He had n't dared to dwell on her in those aging arms lest his rage should drive him to deeds he might regret for the rest of his life .
13 However , I insisted that we should get him to hospital and soon after dawn we arrived at Prome , where after considerable appeal and importunity on my part the patient was admitted to hospital .
14 Roman growled softly in satisfaction , his lips demanding she should kiss him in return .
15 If the police wish to detain him they must place him under arrest .
16 Thinking that maybe this man was the right man , that maybe it was him I should ask him for directions , him who would take me home or wherever it was I was trying to get to .
17 ‘ Perhaps we should ask him to dinner , ’ said Lili .
18 You ought to remember him from Becksley , surely
19 No , I might know him by sight , but er I ca n't think of him
20 You 'll know him as Adrian from BBC1 's Bread .
21 Of those who might succeed him as leader , at least two men and one woman — Constantine Simitis , Gerasimos Arsenis and Vasso Papandreou ( no relation ) — could probably do for Greece 's left what Michel Rocard has proposed to do for France 's .
22 Sometimes the terrible debt he owed her was a churning sickness in his stomach that often rushed into his throat to warn him that one day it might choke him to death .
23 The first goddamn pilot I see sitting on his ass , I 'll send him to Corps to shoot a general . ’
24 It was conceivable , she supposed , that if she remained in the village she might see him from time to time , and if she was lucky , she thought bleakly , he might even speak to her .
25 So in wooing militants he is not seeking only to heal the wounds of Punjab and Assam — he is following the one strategy which might sustain him in power .
26 Oh I 'll see him at work and I 'll obviously we 'll talk about
27 I 'll see him at rest , at work , at play .
28 anyway Bob said oh you 'll see him on Friday , I says Bill is a busy bloke you know , I says you ca n't just go on Friday and expect to do it over weekend
29 you might remember him from Wembley as the man who levelled for Norway against England with that wonderful shot .
30 I 'll contact him at home . ’
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