Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] be [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Time and time again he will charge for the snags which are in range , including some of which you may be unaware , or others you may think are out of range .
2 Purists might argue he should 've been out in the colds using his sketchbook , instead of a camera , but he disagrees .
3 It should 've been back by now , some day in March , twenty eighth of March
4 I must 've been out at the wrong time .
5 But the UN force in Namibia should have been up to handling the affair rather than turn the job over to the South Africans ; it would have been able to cope if it had been as strong as originally intended and deployed in good time with a decent plan in its knapsack .
6 I should have been back at school in Nigeria .
7 I should have been back at the office .
8 The previous night I had got carried away , talking at length to the press and television when I should have been back in our quarters calming down , relaxing and getting some sleep .
9 Quakers resorted to long balls , giving Nick Cusack several half chances , but they should have been back in the game after 72 minutes when David Cork jinked round his marker , Martin James , in the six yard box , and was then hauled down .
10 By now you should have been out on several practice walks and determined your state of fitness .
11 Erm , yeah just let me make sure I can get a baby sitter , it just depends what mum and dad are up to , I know they should have been out on Friday night
12 No Chris should have been in at six , that 's when the first team started counting .
13 They must have been on to her or somebody 's given her away , one or t' other , 'cos it must have been a set-up cop .
14 He must have been around for years but I did n't know what his name was .
15 ‘ You must have been up with the famous Ord Gaunt ? ’ says the man whose name Howard did n't quite catch , and the dense Middle English blackletter in which the words are uttered exactly matches their resonant profundity .
16 They must have been up at Cambridge about the same time .
17 Since I 've understood what management was about — I suppose that must have been back in the early 1950s — I 've had the philosophy that if I go into a job I must do it better than the bloke who 's been doing it before me .
18 You must have been in about in your mid twenties ?
19 Wassall must have been in with a chance of winning the £10,000 first prize because he was the fifth fastest qualifier , with a time of 11.92sec for the 100 metres .
20 ‘ That means Goering must have been in on it ?
21 Reuben Boll must have been down to the Canaries or Tenerife .
22 That must have been down to the policeman .
23 Once I heard a very stupid queen say , How old are you , Madame ? ( god that one must have been out of it ) .
24 Sam must have been out of his mind .
25 Father must have been out of his mind to employ him . ’
26 I think it must have been out of doors , because what I recall most is the way she seemed to dwindle on planes of blue . ’
27 I must have been out of my mind …
28 Truly , she must have been out of her mind !
29 ‘ He must have been out of his mind , giving a family heirloom to that cold , scheming little bitch , ’ Didi remarked bitterly .
30 I must have been out of my mind .
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