Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] for many year " in BNC.

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1 Pvc liners ( some are reinforced with nylon or Terylene ) should last for many years , but do n't be too influenced by the strength claims of the reinforced liners — the most likely cause of damage is piercing ( from a stone , children poking sharp sticks into the pond , or accidents with the garden fork ) , and the reinforcement used wo n't do much to avoid this kind of mishap .
2 Choose a large bucket with a metal handle and it should last for many years .
3 He felt he needed professional help , and entered into analysis that would continue for many years to come .
4 Remaining stocks ( in electrical equipment , mostly ) are being burned , but traces will remain for many years .
5 I have not met many Scottish people who wish to be left exposed to the nuclear blackmail that could come from the huge nuclear arsenal which will remain for many years on the continent and in Russia .
6 Clive Exon who adapted Poirot for television and also scripted the current play believes Christie 's work will survive for many years to come .
7 There is Jonas to support also , and in the way of nature he will live for many years .
8 The pension contribution will continue for many years .
9 The pension contribution will continue for many years .
10 Only one thing is certain : the search will continue for many years to come .
11 The process of completion and deepening of this Community will continue for many years into the future .
12 Although production will continue for many years yet , I feel it is time to record what historical production data is available before records are lost and memories fade .
13 A good varnish brush is expensive — a 2in brush can cost as much as £10 , but when used correctly and cleaned properly after use , it will last for many years and produce excellent results .
14 Though it is a sensitive plant , it is quite a good one to grow , as once established it will develop into a sturdy cluster which will last for many years .
15 By the time we reach the mid-twenties a distinct and enduring pattern will have developed and that pattern will last for many years .
16 They are usually very well made , and although there are always some relatively shoddy examples on the market , the vast majority are extremely durable ; provided they are treated with a reasonable degree of care , they will last for many years .
17 But wool is a marvellous rug-making material and , provided that a few simple precautions are taken , your oriental rug will last for many years .
18 Working , living and playing together in the knowledge that this may continue for many years to come increases the pressure to conform to the wishes of the group .
19 It can persist for many years .
20 We found that chronic constipation in young children can persist for many years .
21 They can remain for many years in cold and hostile environments while retaining their toxicity , and they have a tendency to remain in living organisms .
22 Public health officials did all in their power to stop the 1964 pie going ahead ; there was a typhoid epidemic in Aberdeen in the 1960 's and it was found that the last serious epidemic before that had been in Denby Dale in the 1930's , and the infection can linger for many years .
23 These organisms can live for many years inside the body causing intense itching and other symptoms , including eventual blindness .
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