Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [been] [adj] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 erm the other view , of course , is that medicine should have become much more scientific and that these almost old wives remedies should have been disgraced and discontinued .
2 But either way we should have been consistent and we apologise for confusing at least one of you .
3 At that range it was impossible to distinguish details — but the royal standard should have been visible and was not .
4 In the absence of truly definitive knowledge about Jesus , it seems to us more likely , more probable , more in accord with our experience of humanity , that a man should have been married and tried to regain his rightful throne than that he should have been born of a virgin , walked on water and risen from his grave .
5 It should have been irresistible and yet we hesitated , embarrassed at having taken so long .
6 A different approach diverts our attention away from the relation between the proposition claimed as knowledge and other false beliefs which should have been true or other truths which should have been believed .
7 ‘ The FA should have been brave and made a decision either to eliminate Peterborough or allow the 9-1 result to stand .
8 It should have been cold and raining as befitted a funeral .
9 A second or so before half time Bradford should have been dead and buried as Tommy Jones hit the post .
10 The British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Reporter in those decades must have been dull or impenetrable to all but the dwindling band of initiates .
11 We must have been poor or deliberately austere , but I was not told …
12 This lady must have been psychic or something , because in no time at all she was asking if I could enlarge necks on jumpers that other people had made too small to go over the head .
13 The Minister must have been asleep or doing something else when I raised my final point about the article in the education press in Scotland about the middle of last year .
14 It was not until she saw the colour of the light — deep warm gold — that she realised how long she must have been asleep and looked at her watch .
15 Hips and elbows must have been X-rayed and have received excellent results , but further more , all dogs must participate in the Swedish mental test .
16 The noise must have been awful but it was sweet music to my ears .
17 In the beginning , one feels , Lear must have been relieved and excited to find someone with as equally compelling an interest in birds as himself .
18 What types of boats were used is hard to conceive , but they must have been small and of shallow draught .
19 A spokesman said : ‘ Someone must have been stunned and be on a massive spending spree at the moment .
20 The presence of contemporary amphibians , such as the labyrinthodonts , shows that temperatures must have been moderate and water bodies present year-round , as migration would not have been an option .
21 Now I have considerable respect for the House of Commons ' Environment Committee but I think on this occasion they must have been tired and emotional when they wrote that .
22 so something erm I mean it , it just seems strange to me that , you know , something which has exist existed for thousands of years , you know , he 's suddenly sort of pooh-poohing so to speak , erm and I mean obviously the fact that there was a revolution twenty years later or whatever erm me means that something must have been wrong but erm you know i it 's strange how he 's suddenly criticizing and how the criticism has n't come before , how nothing 's happened before , how this seems an opportune moment for it to happen .
23 His eyes looked so unhappy that she could hardly bear it , but before she could say anything more he had plunged on : ‘ It must have been obvious and I 'm sorry for that too .
24 The structure of the databases in terms of input and output formats must have been identical or similar but this did not seem to be sufficiently argued , instead the plaintiff concentrated on an argument that the structure of the two programs must have been similar .
25 They must have been amazed and resentful that Pyke wanted to listen to me , of all people , someone who was barely an actor .
26 It must have been sweet and juicy — things might have turned out very different if it was sour .
27 Quite apart from the major wetlands , every valley bottom below a certain contour line must have been soggy and at times impassable .
28 They must have been sick and tired of my harping about gay rights , but by the time I had decided to move to London in order to set up home with the man of my dreams , my workmates organized a leaving party which was a touching celebration of the relationship between Keith and myself .
29 Hillsborough fans must have been surprised and delighted at the no-nonsense way their manager told Manchester United to get lost as they attempted to sign David Hirst .
30 As the sun could never shine into the houses at any time of the day they must have been cold and damp .
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