Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [that] they [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Then let's trust that they did n't see you .
2 Many pupils may object that they find this kind of culture to be alien and puzzling at first since this is a non-exam course there is opportunity for pupils to mark time without any serious results but to achieve personal development gradually or late on in the course at an individual pace .
3 2:11 , 16 ) and positively that they should recognise that they belong to one another and take active steps to welcome and support one another ( Rom. 15:7 ) .
4 In the simple model above each firm must know that the other 's costs are identical to its own , and must know that they have the same beliefs about the market demand function as well as in the credibility of the punishment that would result from a deviation .
5 ‘ The conduct of the workers is deplorable , ’ wrote a French mining manager in 1869 , in the process of ferociously repressing the sort of strike of which Zola 's Germinal has given us a vivid picture , ‘ but one must recognise that they have been merely the savage instruments of agitators ’ .
6 In the exams , as in professional life , students must demonstrate that they have versatile , enquiring , and analytical minds , and these are qualities that both training offices and tutors must foster .
7 On each Corporate Finance Engagement Record ( ‘ CFER ’ ) the engagement partner and in-charge must confirm that they have applied the technical standards of the CFM .
8 Every member of staff should feel that they have a stake in the business and by extension , a stake in up-holding a crime free environment .
9 If that is to happen however , I believe My Lords that it is essential that local authorities should feel that they have a real contribution to make in the policing of their areas .
10 Anyone interested in the figurative tradition in modern British art and in art education in its broadest sense should ensure that they visit the retrospective of this fascinating and influential painter .
11 Parents should ensure that they do not encourage persistent disobedience by rewarding bad behaviour .
12 When a major confrontation is anticipated , counsellors should ensure that they have sufficient time available to pursue the matter fully , and at the end return to some reasonable level of mutual understanding .
13 In the case he quotes it was decided not to use alternative software , and other users should ensure that they have already exhausted the possibilities of improving the performance of their present software before they turn to other sources .
14 For this to occur , developers should ensure that they have a good reputation for fair dealing and an established relationship with local and national estate agents .
15 That is only one reason why we must ensure that they get the best possible education and training .
16 We must ensure that they receive ample opportunities to improve their skills and monitor their progress .
17 HIV prevention workers must ensure that they prioritise their work according to epidemiologically demonstrable need if the alarming trends in surveillance data on sexually transmitted diseases and HIV infection are to be arrested or reversed .
18 Unofficial strike action followed and the union 's own bankers were granted an injunction prohibiting the NUS from transferring any of their property abroad , on the principle that third parties must ensure that they gave no aid to any action which might occur if the union 's property were sequestrated as a result of some future contempt of court .
19 Creating a design of this type affords you plenty of scope in choosing pressed flowers and colour schemes , but you must ensure that they complement the mount and frame .
20 Businessmen must ensure that they meet the terms of business ethics imposed by the media .
21 In order to ensure that R&D activities result in successful new products , innovators must ensure that they have access to all of the relevant information .
22 As explained above , such students can usually complete the LLB ordinary programme within two years but , as they are not entitled to an SOED or LEA grant for this period , they must ensure that they have sufficient financial resources to cover the cost of their studies .
23 I think he did plan something though , with his ally on the train , and I think Bill should see that they guard the train 's horses very carefully out at the track . ’
24 producers of television science programs should realize that they have a responsibility to educate the public , not just entertain it .
25 well they must realize that they 've undercut us considerably by everybody else
26 One must realize that they did n't travel .
27 He should insist that they provide no justification whatever for an unwillingness to consider his arguments seriously for what they are .
28 Pupils must remember that they represent the School when travelling to and from the School and at all times when wearing our uniform .
29 And to stimulate their observation we must give them suitable subjects , within their personal experience — and we must see that they get the experience of looking and observing the visual world around them .
30 We can use the skills and potential revealed to us by each archetype , but should recognize that they emanate from a source beyond our individual powers .
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