Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 , should keep should keep it growing really long so when you go a bit thin , just grease it over like this
2 Nothing Jake might say could upset her any more .
3 And nothing I could do would stop it . ’
4 And nothing I could do would hold them apart …
5 Nothing Mr Landor could do could touch her any longer — she could endure rages , witness violence and not flicker an eyelid .
6 And nothing he could say would make her forget them .
7 She would not return to you because you believed her to be a fallen woman , and nothing she could say would convince you otherwise . ’
8 The affirmative he knew would follow would help him in the discussion this evening with the Prince of Wales .
9 If I put that aside I would say let's put you on erm postal wallets .
10 The form that the argument in our research will take will show us how to use our hypotheses .
11 Let's say let's make it erm one square going up there is ten miles .
12 okay let's say let's say we 're looking at carbonates
13 Let's say let's say we want to make
14 Well let's say let's say we 've got a fixed pressure now , we 're not going to mess about with the height of the water , it 's a constant hundred feet or so .
15 Erm here y'are we 've got a lad with a kite it 's fixed on the ground well let's say let's say it 's fixed on the ground first of all and erm we 're trying to find out how high it is and it 's directly over this point which is erm and we do n't we do n't know .
16 let's say let's say I just gave it to you like that .
17 But but but if you write the formula down let's say let's say you get it all wrong and I say , What happens if you have an acid and an alkali ? and you say , Well I know they all give a salt so that 's a safe bet , so I 'll say they give a salt .
18 Sometimes the fact that you are doing something concrete to help someone with whom you can empathise can help you to forget your own personal misgivings .
19 On the other hand , can you see if coordination gets er deteriorates in any way you 're going to be cut off from an awful lot of things you now , you might have been marvellous at embroidery , it gave you a lot of satisfaction but if your co coordination starts to go then the quality of what you can do will satisfy you , will dissatisfy you , make you feel annoyed .
20 I mean that 's the sort of thing if the press decides that somebody 's not a good thing , then that person is not a good thing and almost nothing he or she can do can change it .
21 But has there ever been any effort to by management or by anyone at all to change you and say , Okay you 've proved you can sing let's update it let's get a faster beat anybody ever said that to you ?
22 He has it firmly in his head that this whole fracas is on my account , and nothing I can say will sway him .
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