Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [vb pp] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ All it tells us is he must 've had a foreign accent for them to give him a name like that .
2 Beautiful piece , one of the earliest I 've seen — but he must 've had a hard head , ‘ coz it broke .
3 I thought Clarke should have scored a second goal when he went through . ’
4 I believe the government should have conducted a proper and wide review into the role and duty of auditors , not just in the area covered by these orders , but also throughout the whole of industry .
5 It was ironical that he should have made a magical 153 against Notts , while England 's batsmen floundered at Old Trafford .
6 On a good pitch and with a fast outfield , Indian should have made a better fist of their innings , but only Srikkanth ( who fell to an outstanding catch by Peter Taylor at mid-off ) passed 20 as Australia 's allrounders ran through the order .
7 Secondly , we should have made a moral commitment to the single currency .
8 The press-gang gave politicians an effective method of giving a very real service to the parties more directly concerned , and it was one which should have created a lasting sense of obligation , for life before the mast in one of His Majesty 's ships was not likely to be easily forgotten .
9 Prima facie , the development of a capital-goods sector should have created a vested interest in innovation in the consumer-goods industries , as well as a major new outlet for independent inventors of production machinery .
10 But Knox , who was the most brilliant orator of his generation at Oxford — star of the Union , wit , punster in tongues ancient and modern — had left Oxford before the end of the First World War to become a Roman Catholic , and after his return there as chaplain to the Catholics , it was perhaps understandable that he should have kept a low profile .
11 ‘ I should have kept a short rope on you and then you would never have escaped me . ’
12 ‘ Ye should have poured a whole bottle of lysol down it before me . ’
13 Perhaps I should have formed a better plan ; perhaps I should have made instead for the Villa Diodati , to see if I could secure any friends and allies there .
14 In retrospect , for example , many Gaullists concluded that he should have formed a Gaullist movement of the kind that he formed , too late , in 1947 — a movement that could have channelled popular adulation into usable political support .
15 Applicants seeking credits for areas of study , for Sections of the certificate level areas C1 or C2 , or for elements from within an area of study at diploma level must submit their application to the HCIMA and should have received a favourable decision prior to enrolment on a programme or area of study .
16 These included care of the mentally ill ( which then also included the elderly with mental disability ) — these categories which should have received a bigger slice of the cake , actually received a smaller percentage of health board funding during the funding period from 1981–82 to 1985–86 .
17 All ( 1991 ) Group members should have received a free copy .
18 A secure keyboard technique is essential , and all students , even those for whom piano is second instrument , should have reached a standard equivalent to Grade VII of the Associated Board examinations .
19 Admission procedures for the BMus in Musical Technology are also noted in the Admissions section : students should have reached a standard equivalent to Grade VII of the Associated Board examinations in any recognised instrument .
20 ‘ Then you should have packed a smaller one — as you were told to do ! ’
21 She should have accepted a comfortable change for the better .
22 The modernisation and enlargement should have ensured a firm foundation for Wight 's business ; however , within a decade he went bankrupt , the ownership of the mill passing to Rev William Knight .
23 That some very large companies should have lost a great deal of money on their little experiment shows only how unwise their decision to pursue the technology was .
24 By week 3 , you should have lost a few pounds — at least four , possibly as many as eight — and you may notice a number of minor health problems have begun to improve .
25 So the coalition should have given a reasoned reply , welcoming the offer to withdraw and saying that all the other issues are open for discussion once the withdrawal has taken place and a cease-fire is in operation .
26 By that time , the RECs should have developed a better understanding of the market , and pricing policies to suit .
27 As the build-up to the pending general election got under way , the position of the leader of the Liberal Democrats , Paddy Ashdown , came under scrutiny when on Feb. 5 he made a statement acknowledging that some years earlier he had had a " brief relationship " with a woman ( identified as Patricia Sullivan , now known under the name Howard ) ; he stressed , however , that this " should have remained a private and personal matter of concern only to those involved " .
28 Chaos now seemed poised to threaten the system from inside and without , and it is almost inevitable that the term ‘ civvy ’ should have become a derogatory reference .
29 Though I should have discovered a tolerable way , ’ she said , with force and finality .
30 A few moments later , you should have converted a printed page into a text file you can load into your word processor .
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