Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pers pn] [noun] i " in BNC.

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1 Some might call it jealousy I suppose , but it was once my joy to lie between Ma and Pa and listen to the stories of Noah and Jonah which Pa read to me out of the True Book .
2 You 've got your questions and of course I could answer them Nicodemus I could tell the why 's and the wherefore 's of this , and of that , I could give you all the details and all the the the things that you want to know but , they 're not really important the real issue for you , Nicodemus , is that you have got to be born again !
3 If he 'd give me time I might find a proper answer .
4 A child 's education — they would teach it things I did n't want it to learn , at school .
5 I can tell you Elsie I have never seen a fish like it .
6 ‘ I do n't know how much longer you 'll be forced to put up with me , but until the happy day I can bid you farewell I 'll try to keep out of your hair as much as I can .
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