Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [adv] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They may experience rather more difficulty in mounting a similar operation against Kilkenny , though .
2 This present dependence on others for the correction of minor matters may trigger more profound resentment in old people about the degree and nature of the dependence in which old age has placed them .
3 Requests for assistance or consultation lead to a fairly high level of interruption and noise in the office , which may slow down other work and even make holding a telephone conversation difficult .
4 Let's stay here all day , ’ he suggested later .
5 Let's stay here all night .
6 Big computers often achieve huge profit levels ; ‘ clones ’ of IBM computers may deliver more computing power for a significantly lower price .
7 This may explain why low dose chenodeyxholic acid does not prevent gall stone recurrence while the results of this and other studies suggest that low dose ursodeoxycholic acid may do so .
8 Recent studies have shown that rapid molecular events occur in the spinal cord after noxious peripheral stimulation and may explain why pre-emptive analgesia is often difficult to show .
9 That it tends to be the lower status , less experienced teachers whose attitudes are most positive and the longest serving , institutionally most powerful teachers who are the most negative may explain why this willingness apparently bears so little fruit .
10 The danger that , by trying to protect your future career prospects , you may throw away substantial cash sums in terms of severance payments is a real one , as the case of International Computers Ltd v Kennedy ( 1981 ) illustrates .
11 If there are statements by the Minister or other promoter of the Bill , these may throw as much light on the ‘ mischief ’ which the Bill seeks to remedy as do the white papers , reports of official committees and Law Commission reports to which the courts already have regard for that purpose .
12 A law student who is a CAB trainee volunteer may not fear legislative tomes but may want considerably more training to cope with an emotional client and feel the need for deeper counselling skills than basic training allows time for .
13 I think Chris Patten is right to stand up to the Chinese , even though it may make very little difference in the end .
14 The army may include as many Battle Wizards as you wish within the usual limitations of points costs .
15 Sometimes different sequences may need quite marked adjustment using filters and other devices to achieve the right harmonious effect .
16 Do let's chat again some time and you can tell me all the gossip about Buck 's new tenants . ’
17 Yet others may lack both religious belief and any experience that might make them dubious of their secularism .
18 Furthermore , as we have shown , there are wide variations in performance between different categories of NSE students , and it seems likely that the universities may pursue more conservative entrance policies with regard to non-traditional students than those pursued in the former polytechnic sector .
19 So she watched television and erm Princess Diana erm said something shocking at lunchtime at a luncheon party or lunch party and erm maybe just erm ten days before that Princess Diana 's announcement we were told by the Register Teacher that we will have an assignment of in February and we will compare some newspapers articles and maybe she did n't explain very erm specifically but she just gave us erm the brief information about er register assignment in February and she told us that we should er we should collect some newspapers about the same title was about the same topic and ho we should compare how each newspaper treated , treats the er news or what do you call that ?
20 Strange that something as solemn as death should make so little impression on her , while this trivial memory should pierce her through and through .
21 ( ii ) Teachers should explain how Standard English has come to have a wide social and geographical currency and to be the form of English most frequently used on formal , public occasions and in writing .
22 In addition , the foetus needs nourishment via the mother 's blood supply and the maternal body must build up sufficient material and energy for this .
23 The second development has been the assumption that the meaning of the term unreasonable used by Lord Greene M.R. should govern whenever that word appears within a statute .
24 must tread gingerly this week or things will backfire on you .
25 The plaintiffs argue that the same principle should apply in favour of making an order that the defendant should deliver up such property on the basis that such an order is not an order for discovery and that the authorities relating to discovery have no application .
26 Drawing on a huge spectrum of influences , every D*Note tune is doing something fresh , with a filmic quality that must make even Massive Attack blush .
27 Often it will be worded so as to constitute a contract of indemnity under which the dealer must make good any loss suffered by the finance company in the event of the customer defaulting on his payments or terminating his agreement .
28 We must eat there one night .
29 The nurse gave a small laugh as he said , ‘ Well , not until he 's ready , and I should think not this time .
30 Doubtless I should think out some plan later .
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