Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pron] that the " in BNC.

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1 Through personal observation and enquiry , the manager should reassure himself that the length of the overlap period is fully justified for necessary communication and activity .
2 The illustrations must do something that the text has not done or that the text can not do : ‘ You must never illustrate exactly what is written .
3 Thou shalt do everything that the church says thou shalt not .
4 They must assure themselves that the authority has made ‘ proper arrangements for securing economy , efficiency and effectiveness ’ in the use of resources .
5 As the Temple was desecrated , according to the most probable chronology , about December 1 67 and reconsecrated about December 164 , we must take it that the correct interpretation of Daniel is the latter , amounting to about three years , which is in rough agreement with the " time , times and half a time " of the previous chapter .
6 The letter , from Oxfordshire County Council 's engineering department , said : ’ I understand you are the owner of the vehicle involved and therefore must inform you that the council holds you responsible for the costs of repairs arising from this incident . ’
7 I must inform you that the same department are about to close the only respite centre ( Astley House in Huyton ) for children and young adults with special needs in the borough , so they can introduce what they call foster caring .
8 You must tell them that the balance of the first year 's payment will be taken out through a banker 's order .
9 I must tell you that the road from here is broken . ’
10 Before I go any further , I should tell you that the briefing I had received on the field was as follows : 1000 metres grass , obstructions at both ends , wind sock on the northerly edge .
11 Jenny I should tell you that the meeting 's being recorded for this er , for the dictionary people .
12 Mr Dawlish says I should tell you that the Pike brothers are both Latvians but hold British passports .
13 This this is first of all can we I should tell you that the planning permission for this is passed .
14 It should not persuade us that this writer has yielded or sold out , any more than it should persuade us that the boy poet Klima is in every sense the boy poet Jaromil .
15 Before payment is made to a subcontractor without deduction for tax , the builder must satisfy himself that the tax certificate is valid .
16 As part of the registration process the Law Society must satisfy itself that the legal profession of which the applicant is a member is one which is so regulated as to make it appropriate : —
17 However , the domestic competition authorities should satisfy themselves that the domestic market is genuinely open .
18 ‘ And perhaps I should remind you that the contract you 've just cited binds you as securely as it does us , unless you 're willing to face interminable legal hassles in an effort to extricate yourself . ’
19 ‘ Dr Russell will talk it over with her tonight , show her the sonogram pictures , and I think it 'll convince her that the bed-rest really is necessary .
20 Give it fifty years and I 'll bet you that the baker and all the rest of the folks , it 'll be coming from a supermarket , but they 'll be delivering stuff that you 've put on your computer .
21 Encyclopedic knowledge of the world might inform you that the writer is a member of ‘ Mad Mental ’ ( a street gang ) and that the intended addressees are members of ‘ The Insects ’ ( another street gang ) .
22 He 'll inform you that the King has been very kind to you , and that you 're lucky to lose only your eyes .
23 So I 'll tell him that the fire will be on .
24 They 'll tell you that the males do n't have the same chance as the females do .
25 Well it 's not a savings plan , but in Covermaster , you can take some of the money if , if you need to , if , we 'll tell you that the life cover might be , er , at risk , but you ca n't do that at all in living assurance .
26 We might kid ourselves that the world ‘ out there ’ creates our problems , but the truth is that the source of all our suffering is the Ego .
27 Well that 's what I was going to say if if we could make it that the training course came after next week and not next week then
28 In this way , he said , western critics could assure themselves that the terms of such a package were being met .
29 I could tell you that the eyes were so beautiful they could actually make you feel giddy when he suddenly looked up from the floor and straight at you .
30 From that position he could satisfy himself that the pig-swill truck was gone from its usual spot in the rear driveway .
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