Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [pron] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In so doing , we hope that it will take account of our responses on the proposed reorganisation of local government in Wales and the way this may weaken its strategic planning functions .
2 The letter which he valued most came from the leader of English theology , who was now Archbishop of York , William Temple : ‘ Men ought to acknowledge their major obligations , and so I write to thank you ... ’
3 There are two distinct types of variation in the semantic contribution that a word form makes to different sentences — or , to look at it from a different point of view , two ways in which the sentential context of a word form may affect its semantic contribution to the sentence .
4 The " green line " will keep both states informed of accidents which may affect their mutual environment .
5 I mean , some may affect me one way , the next person they ask , affected another way , so they get two different opinions , do n't they .
6 In fact , it 's probably wise to contact the accommodation office when considering a particular college because their housing policy may affect your final choice of where to study .
7 Single entrepreneurs just starting up , with little capital , may prepare their own advertising literature and letterheads ; do all their own bookkeeping ; organise their own promotion campaigns ; carry out their own market research on new products ; find out for themselves about new customers and , when the business begins to grow , handle their recruiting problems by advertising or asking around .
8 Where firms use ‘ workshop ’ affiliates in developing countries , they may lower their total costs below those of stay-at-home rivals .
9 We may lend you any amount from £500 to £10,000 ( in units of £10 ) and , in certain circumstances , may advance 100% of the cost , although we normally expect you to make some contribution from your savings .
10 Unpulsed whistles carry over long distances , which may explain their frequent use among spinner and bottlenose dolphins , who often form large groups , and the absence of these sounds among the less social species .
11 Medical advice , like wet-nursing , was only followed by the wealthy , and may explain their inferior infant mortality rates .
12 Unlike his father , a pugnacious Laudian , Swan had Puritan leanings , and these may explain his temporary displacement around the Restoration .
13 Alternatively they may devise their own format for indicating to students and to moderators the way in which the student has achieved marks for each individual assignment .
14 He may prefer his own assessment of the patient 's interests , and ignore that of the parent or guardian .
15 Well Mao would do anything the Communist Party , let's make it capitalist society .
16 Twenty let's make it twenty miles an hour .
17 On the one hand , education provides a means by which business capital may reproduce its social order .
18 But where their particular disability impairs their access to the curriculum , this access should be facilitated by alternative means , and it should be recognised that the problem of access may hinder their initial progress , though they may be expected to catch up later .
19 Alternatively , as adults they may make their own decision to live an ordinary life and not pursue brilliance .
20 All honours courses taught in the department attempt a fuller treatment of periods , topics , and authors , from which students may make their own choice of areas of special study .
21 If objectives from the higher categories of Bloom 's taxonomy are included , where students are asked to make judgements , to criticise and evaluate ; and if students are given a range of objectives from which they may make their own choices and even , at the later stages of training , are encouraged to write their own , then this will go a long way to meeting this criticism .
22 Each half of the brain may make its own contribution towards different aspects of musical expression or appreciation .
23 Meanwhile , Martin Strett , Oldham 's rugby union signing from Orrell , may make his senior debut against Bramley on Sunday .
24 The baby may make his public debut on Miss Diamond 's BBC1 programme Good Morning With Anne And Nick next week .
25 A worker may be required to live in tied accommodation as a condition of employment or he may make his own decision to do so .
26 Does he further agree that the best security for the people of Northern Ireland is in talks and an agreement between political leaders and parties within Northern Ireland so that they may govern their own Province in the interests of all its people ?
27 Now the public may enjoy its stately grandeur and the magnificent flowering trees of its parkland at the same time , perhaps , pondering upon the enterprise and ethics with which the magnificent property was founded .
28 Perhaps I may assist my hon. Friend .
29 It may well be that there are good reasons for following customary practices or for rejecting them in favour of new ones , but teachers ought to know what these reasons are , for it is this knowledge which provides for adaptability , the alternative realization of principles through techniques appropriate to different instructional settings .
30 I know I 'm in my mid thirties and ought to know my own mind by now , but I 'm scared of the commitment .
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