Example sentences of "[modal v] [verb] [noun] [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Where several areas are being studied concurrently centres should consider cross referencing between areas of study .
2 In any case , others have doubted that this type of thinking would make worthwhile savings and have countered that ‘ … we should allocate resources according to the probability that a patient will benefit rather than his or her age ’ , and that ‘ physiology not age should determine care ’ .
3 Similarly another teacher felt that she should give firm scolding to an extremely active young boy who continually left his place during story time .
4 In 1879 she visited repealers in Plymouth to canvass support for the new bill , which proposed that the courts should remove children living in the society of depraved and disorderly persons and place them in industrial schools .
5 According to Walter Map this was his mother 's teaching : he should keep aspirants waiting in hope , she said , deliberately spinning out their affairs , for an unruly hawk , if meat is held out to it and then snatched away or hid , will become keener and more inclined to be attentive and obedient .
6 Alicia says you should spend time talking to a breeder before diving in to buy one , to be sure it is the breed for you .
7 Farmers should spend time talking to retailers in order to build up a much closer dialogue between all the links in the country 's chain
8 This sets out the basic principles upon which courts must decide issues relating to the upbringing of children .
9 Only the Barrier is new : a long row of big silver bathtubs upended in the water , waiting for that one freak high tide when it must stop London sinking beneath the rushing sea .
10 Similarly , it can be argued that the consultants and their professional body , the British Medical Association ( BMA ) , should dominate decision making within the National Health Service since they have the medical knowledge and expertise which the politician , the administrator and the patient do not possess .
11 The 1971 Act provides that all permissions must have conditions relating to the time within which the development must be started and approval of reserve matters sought .
12 And in Africa that must mean people moving from the rural areas into the overcrowded towns , which at least offer subsistence .
13 However , I say again to the House — and especially to Government Members that they should ask questions relating to the Prime Minister 's responsibility —
14 Alternatively , gastrin might affect enzymes participating in platelet activating factor generation by acid or pepsin .
15 " If you 'll nobbut stop runnin' after 'em they 'll settle down .
16 A Guardian stalwart made a telling observation about him : ‘ While Ian Wolldridge might spend hours searching for the good line , Hugh will spend the time searching for the truth ’ — and suddenly I saw McIlvanney almost as if he were a bare-knuckle fighter in one of his brother 's novels .
17 ‘ While Ian Wooldridge might spend hours searching for a good line , McIlvanney will spend the time searching for the truth ’
18 What , there be no kids off granted , but other countries go , we 'll see start looking round the beginning of June if your dad wants to go , there was , I just noticed this morning coming passed the erm , I think it was the Co-op or the one next door , a week in Ibiza , twenty sixth of April , self catering , a hundred and twenty four pounds , that 's the day you go , that 's the week you go back to school , you
19 He 'll have Nahum talking until dawn about his idea of a mission for the gipsies . ’
20 One must be prepared to contemplate biblical material as dispassionately as one might contemplate chronicles pertaining to Caesar , or Alexander — or Cortés .
21 ‘ You 'll find pussy going on the beds next , ’ Sister Dew went on .
22 Women with bulimia may use binge eating as a way of coping with stress .
23 One may remember Ioreth repeating to her cousin in Gondor that Frodo ‘ went with only his esquire into the Black Country and fought with the Dark Lord all by himself , and set fire to his Tower , if you can believe it .
24 This week she spent looking after Paddock Sportsline and their other emergent horses so that Linda could earn money working as a stable girl in Ted Edgar 's stables .
25 Effective treatment required that the body be in a receptive state to beneficial forms of spirit , which could remedy deficiencies resulting from temperament or life-style .
26 It is clear that one of the reasons why the companies were prepared to invest so much in the provision of housing for their workmen was because they could influence employees living in company houses at the pit gates far more effectively than those living in a more mixed community several miles from their place of work .
27 There was a scream from somewhere in the house ; the chatter of voices quietened briefly and he could sense heads turning to the open door leading from the room .
28 Chopra could sense ghosts drifting around the castle .
29 He felt he had said them before , and thought he could sense death sniffing at his shoulder , as he had that day on the Red Mountain .
30 The light grew dull and they could smell rain approaching from the west .
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