Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [subord] [pron] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Can you shed some light on the sexing of these fish , and tell me what size they should be before they breed .
2 Our first decision should be whether we want to write a traditional strophic song ( each verse identical in length and metre ) , or music which is not chained to such a rigid form .
3 If they exercised them , it should be because they had earned them .
4 It was the shape of a helmet , the way you always think cops ' heads should be when they take off their helmets .
5 Why that should be when we know change is inevitable is something I shall have to ask my daughter .
6 More and more instructions , more and more complex in their nature descended more and more frequently upon local offices , but without any adequately effective co-ordination at the Headquarters level to ensure that those in the outfield had a clear enough idea of what their order of priorities should be as they became less and less able to deal effectively with the totality of their responsibilities .
7 There was nothing analytical in the experience , only a sense of wonder that things should be as he saw them and , in particular , that he should be involved .
8 Erm the tribunal may well say that one of those clauses should be if you lose your driving licence you lose your job , so it 's a fairly dangerous thing to apply to the tribunal to get terms of employment sorted out .
9 However , governments have for a long time been divided over how large a merger must be before it passes out of national hands to Brussels .
10 W three , no I , I think that , that , that must be cos they 've got the same G here
11 If she did not see fit to prevent their actions , it must be because they served her purposes .
12 That 's erm moving along a little bit erm there 's also this business of of what I suppose in other contexts has been called blaming the victim , this business of children somehow inviting the the , if they have actually been abused , it must be because they 've invited it so erm that 's erm .
13 Well — the argument goes — it must be because we do not think that behind the parrot 's utterance is the thought ‘ I 'm going to the bank ’ .
14 The persuasiveness of Berkeley 's argument about heat and pain depends on two things : ( i ) our readiness to distinguish between feeling heat and feeling hot , and ( ii ) our having the idea that if two things are called by the same name it must be because we suppose them to be like one another .
15 It must be because it gets me out of the tent in the middle of the night to stand and contemplate the untroubled majesty of The Plough .
16 This must be because he did not know any observations of it : Darwin was interested by every possible form of moral behaviour in animals , and if he had known of restrained fighting , he would have written about it .
17 ‘ Then that must be because you provoke me .
18 I think there must be because I 've seen it several times now and just in , in , you know
19 It must be because I need him .
20 ‘ My father , puzzled for an instant as to the meaning of this accident , since Mrs Goodyer was the gentlest and most inoffensive of our Church members , decided that it must be because she had made an idol of her husband … ‘
21 must be when I looked at it they 'd been grown in the field , because it 's burnt , you can see it 's got this reddish muck where all the mud down
22 Well i by definition it must be if it excludes all A classes for example .
23 I think it must be as I said : either she 'd done something or her man had done something .
24 But , they 're might be since he 's cleaned up .
25 I do not want your heart broken , which I fear it might be if you saw him unhappy . ’
26 The other point might be if you take these fourteen great achievements they are essentially restorationist and to interpret them as being a mighty revolution is fundamentally wrong .
27 How different the picture might be if you had the protection of the Midland Personal Accident Plan .
28 Any idea what you think you might be if you look at that , look at some of the questions , some of the descriptions ?
29 The organisation that calls the general election closest is the one that is most attractive to Tesco or Finefare or whomever it might be when they want to discover what the public thinks of their baked beans .
30 It might be when I get used to it .
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