Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [v-ing] back to " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps we should be getting back to the roots of organisations like the RA and footpath preservation societies in encouraging people to wander more freely and make use of neglected local paths .
2 By right and custom , he himself and James here should be going back to the house for the reading of the will , but this very new Sir Joseph had made it evident yesterday that he wanted no reading done in the house and that he would let them know when he wanted the matter dealt with .
3 He did n't know why he was saying these words ; deep down he knew that he should be running back to the truck and getting the rescue organized .
4 Must be getting back to Brigade H.Q , Sarge , ’ I remarked as I picked up my rifle and prepared to leave .
5 They 'll be reporting back to us later this week on how they coped without a car and with their views on how public transport filled the gap — or not , in ’ The Road Ahead ’ .
6 I 'll be writing back to her about it soon .
7 ‘ But thankfully it looks like things 'll be gittin' back to normal again round these parts .
8 Two things to do with you today mainly one is to whip through at least part of the isomers work and , I say part of it because you 'll be coming back to other parts of it a bit later on when you 've , for example , we 'll coming back to erm , isomers work .
9 And erm I think we 'll be going back to the kind of erm conditions that there were in the Victorian age and in Dickens ' age .
10 ‘ I 'll be going back to school next week . ’
11 we 'll be going back to the Manor Ground a little later on to find out the winner in our manager competition .
12 I wonder if er , they 'll be going back to New York .
13 You 're listening to B B C Radio Oxford and Talking Sport , seventeen minutes past five is the score , and hopefully we 'll be going back to White Hart Lane shortly and catching up with some of the players .
14 And we seemed to have lost erm Nick Harris and manager Brian Horton , but hopefully we 'll be going back to that , so let's move to the Berks and Bucks Intermediate Cup ; Fairmile Hospital against Milton , this match finished Fairmile Hospital one , Milton three ; waiting to report , David Taylor .
15 Nick Harris reporting , and of course we 'll be going back to the Manor ground shortly and catching up hopefully with Nick Harris and some of Oxford United players .
16 ‘ He 'll be running back to his cow of a wife now and laughing about the way he conned the owner 's wife . ’
17 A fourteen year old criminal at the centre of a row about trips to Spain paid for by social services may be going back to his grandparents ' home there for Christmas .
18 Some of this stuff may be coming back to the states via the Far East .
19 But very soon now the brents would be flying back to their breeding grounds in Arctic Russia .
20 For in a few days , this same man would be reporting back to the most feared woman in Britain .
21 Against that though , if she rang the garage first , she would then have more of an idea of when she would be travelling back to England .
22 They would be coming back to education , however , to build upon the qualifications they had already begun to acquire , and would feel at least equal , if not superior in some respects , to their peers who had remained in full-time education .
23 Leo would be coming back to New York now to work in a hospital where he could specialize in tropical medicine .
24 If I could only know — for certain — that you would be coming back to me as soon as this is over , I could bear it .
25 ‘ I had no doubt that I would be going back to the university , ’ he says from his home in Princeton , New Jersey .
26 Joseph would be going back to the United States soon and would be beyond her gossip , but if Maurin convinced her of Joseph 's innocence , then how long would it be before she realized that he , too , had a strong financial motive for wanting the truth about the Durances kept secret ?
27 He was a virtual stranger , and in a few weeks would be going back to Australia .
28 He had tricked her , deliberately let her think that they would be going back to the hotel , but if he thought she was going to meekly go along with his conniving then he was going to be sadly disappointed .
29 We shall be analyzing that and I shall be reporting back to you in due course .
30 ‘ Then I shall be driving back to Tbilisi .
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