Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [adv] [adj] that " in BNC.

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1 You should be well aware that evolution can only be viewed with hindsight , and whether our species ' rapacious predatory record will prove successful in the long term can only be speculation .
2 We should be most proud that , despite the fact that our health service spends less wastefully than those in some other countries , our figures on , for example , perinatal mortality are better or just as good .
3 Professional guidance has , perhaps of necessity , made no attempt to provide any form of quantification other than the requirement that the auditor should be reasonably satisfied that the going concern basis is appropriate .
4 I think it 's an admirable scheme , and it 's obviously very cost effective , and , and equal , and I , I think we should be very grateful that there are in fact a few caring people out there , and they 're there to take this what could be a particularly onerous job on .
5 So , in their own interest , the firms should be very careful that the finger is not pointed at them , that they are not seen to have acted in a way that abuses their power and cuts across their independence and integrity . ’
6 For someone who , according to Naylor 's belief , should be sorely upset that the woman he loved was engaged to another , Travis was coping exceedingly well .
7 The more money you invest , the greater your chances of wining , but when you enter football pools you should be quite aware that the total amount of stake money that 's returned to you in prizes is rather small .
8 The Secretary of State seems to think that we should be so grateful that the Government have promised that the poll tax will go that we should not look too closely at what will replace it .
9 Any good weight loss regime should not lead to extreme hunger ; it should be so easy that you can stick with the diet until all the weight is off .
10 As you come within two months of the examination period you should try to answer a complete past examination paper under your simulated conditions , which , by now , should be so familiar that all trace of tenseness and nervousness will have vanished .
11 But it must be equally obvious that during spells of prolonged rain the rabbits are much more likely to stay underground in the warmth and security of their burrow systems rather than braving it out in the open and being constantly soaked .
12 ‘ If Sabine Jourdain could have broken away from him any time she chose , it must be equally true that Durance could have torn himself from those admirers . ’
13 In the case of DAF and , specifically the van-making plant at Birmingham , it must be increasingly apparent that this is an area where the company can no longer compete effectively in the short-run .
14 The sepoys must be well aware that the garrison 's ammunition was all but finished .
15 It must be immediately obvious that such arguments will be somewhat confused unless a definition of development can be agreed .
16 Now is the time when we must be absolutely convinced that we are getting things right .
17 While we should at all times act reasonably with the client 's best interests in mind , when such a specific contract is required , it must be extremely clear that the firm acts on behalf of the client and is , as far as the public arena is concerned , not acting in its own right .
18 If you do try to use them you must be very sure that they will be honoured or you will be generating bad rather than goodwill .
19 He must be very sure that his fortress was safe from fitzAlan .
20 I can often discover our different species of Oaks , one from another , by their form of growth , half or a whole mile distance ; and I am sure he must be very sharp-sighted that can know them , at half that distance , by their leaves , acorns , and cups , all together .
21 For this system to work , the click must be so short that its echo is heard before the next click is made and drowns it .
22 Now if you know that somebody is a drug addict and they 've just had an injection you keep away from them , erm if they 're having a bad trip , whatever they call it , because you do n't , they become very violent , they can do a lot of damage , now the only time you will step in and help is when they go unconscious , but at the same time remember protect yourself , we 're talking about needles here and probably shared needles , you must be terribly careful that you do not get pricked by a needle , especially if , they have a habit of sticking needles under lapels , so always be aware of this , if a person is a drug addict , in fact if you can find some easier way of turning them into the recovery position , do so , erm , you can then obviously either call the ambulance .
23 Similarly , for the teenage girl from a strongly Catholic family it might be particularly important that she avoid pregnancy in a relationship with a boy to whom she felt sure she would not like to be married .
24 The assessment by the police is to eliminate erm any officer that er has psychopathic tendencies or er on the other side of the coin , to eliminate those officers that erm might be so timid that they would n't be able to perform the duties should it be necessary for them to fire a weapon .
25 She might be so bored that her jaw ached from trying not to yawn , but Nicolo — Nicolo looked as if he were about to explode .
26 There was even speculation that Britain 's economic problems might be so entrenched that they could be overcome only by economic union with the United States .
27 It noted the possibility that in theory the interests of the partners might be so separated that a blanket restriction on competition would be unreasonable but rejected the contention that the mere fact of administrative departmentalisation could lead to that result .
28 For a start the enemy might refuse the bait ; conceivably their generals might be so inept that the idea of outflanking would not occur to them .
29 But , in principle , an enterprise might be so inefficient that its revenues fail to cover even the cost of materials .
30 Not least among the ‘ incidental ’ factors was the probability that a particular treatment might be so disagreeable that it was abandoned , or not used often enough .
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