Example sentences of "[modal v] [be] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 As I have argued previously , this should be through a national market for research , which would be open to research hospitals all over Britain .
2 The Law Commission committee says that this principle is not good enough ; sellers should be under a legal duty to reveal everything they know and ought to know about their property — which would oblige them to carry out a survey before offering it for sale .
3 This suggests that to the criteria for trust wording a further one should be added : that the words be not only ‘ mediate ’ ( in the sense that they do not attribute property directly to the beneficiary ) but that they should also unequivocally attest the testator 's intention that a trustee should be under a legal obligation to a beneficiary .
4 In the five years since this judgment , Parliament has shown little interest , although the Labour Party has endorsed a proposal that those in the distribution business should be under a legal obligation to supply any publication requested by their customers — a reform which would require abolition of the rule that distributors can be held responsible for particular defamations of which they have no knowledge but which are nonetheless contained in libel-prone publications .
5 It was decided in the spring of 1892 to repair and rebuild the tower and as the Vicar in his letter puts it " To rebuild as an ornament to the village with a good clock in it , to make the fabric itself what it should be for a wealthy parish such as ours " .
6 That was great and started a whole year of being in America for me , which was seeing David as a major star and also for myself , experiencing life as it should be as a major star , with your cars and people looking after you and the record company being polite to you rather than treating you like shit and not working .
7 Connection to the electricity supply should be via a weatherproof cable connector to the extension lead .
8 So all that phrase means , in plain English , is that the goods should be of a reasonable standard and in particular it means that the goods should not be broken or damaged or faulty and whatever you 've bought should work .
9 Court proceedings should be of a civil rather than criminal nature , she said .
10 The trial judge agreed that the computer programs were protected by confidence but said that the protection should be of a limited nature .
11 It is pointed out that fluorescent lighting in clinical areas should be of a recommended type having colour rendering properties with which the decorative finishes in such areas must also be compatible .
12 This should be of a fine grain size to allow the female to do the small amount of digging necessary to convert her cave into an ideal home for herself and her fry .
13 Apart from the dimensions and shape of the pot , an important point to remember is that whatever the colour or decoration on the outside of the pots or jars used for potted meats , the inside should be of a pale colour and preferably white , so that the delicate creams and pinks of the contents with their layer of yellow butter look fresh and appetizing against their background .
14 Many midwives feel the current emphasis in antenatal care should be of a social nature rather than a medical one , yet Taylor ( 1985 ) , in a study of consumers ' perceptions of maternity care , showed that clients ' emotional needs are often ignored .
15 By then , Chapman considered that the all-red jersey looked ordinary , out of tune with the club 's distinction , so he decided that in line with Aston Villa , until then the club with the greatest prestige and tradition behind it , the sleeves should be of a different colour to the rest of the top .
16 The retailer should not sell you the first slice and the second cut should be of a bright , usually pink colour .
17 In theory , the quality of committee decisions should be of a high standard ;
18 Richard Ford , who 's fourteen has speech and learning difficulties , and the local council says he should be at a special school .
19 Having decided with your client that he should be at a particular exhibition or trade show , you will embark on a number of activities .
20 That was not indexation but a recognition of the fact that , if an exemption is to be made , it should be at a sensible and workable level .
21 A telephone should be on a half-moon table in the hall .
22 I saw him move the mat so it should be on a slippery bit and then sort of pretend to slip on it , and then start to shout . ’
23 Replenishment of kit or contents or other materials should be on a simple ‘ new for old ’ or ‘ full or empty ’ basis without obstacles , delays or artificial restrictions .
24 First of all the guidance states that the accountant 's test checks should be on a limited number of accounts and files relating to controlled trusts .
25 Planting , he says , should be on a small scale , and " geared to local needs — fuel , fodder and fruit — rather than global priorities " .
26 The new contracts may improve accounting procedures , but do not appear to offer more choice to either doctors or consumers , who will be bound by contractual arrangements , which the government recommends should be on a three-year rolling basis .
27 Lord Prior , figurehead at G E C , and former Tory Minister , argued against the government 's original proposal that the employee 's authorization of check-off facilities should be on a yearly basis .
28 The Pathfinder Force should be on a different basis and these should consist of 45 sorties , but crews could be withdrawn at any time after the completion of 30 sorties .
29 But the assumption was always that his first attempt at direction should be on a modest scale .
30 The lesson Haslam learned from his ICI experience was that wherever possible redundancy should be on a voluntary basis if the trauma were to be kept to a minimum .
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